Council awaits decision on £10m flat plans

Concepts for flats in Porstlade Image source, Miller Bourne Architects
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If approved, the council plans to also build a new community centre

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An East Sussex council is awaiting a decision on its plans for dozens of new flats costing more than £10m.

Brighton and Hove City Council plans to build 28 homes in two blocks of flats, each three storeys high, in Portslade.

The scheme, which will decided by the Planning Committee later, would also see a new community centre replace Portslade Village Centre, hard court play area and old garages.

If approved and built, the homes are expected to be let to people on the council’s housing register.

The Planning Committee will meet at Hove Town Hall on Wednesday at 14:00 BST, the Local Democracy Reporting Service reported.

'Desperate need'

A report to the planning committee was in favour of the scheme, subject to a number of conditions and legal agreements.

The council said the existing Portslade Village Centre was an outdated 1960s building with a “challenging” layout and in need of significant modernisation.

Supporters of the plans have highlighted the need for affordable housing.

One anonymous supporter said: "There is a desperate need for affordable and available housing in the area", and the site was the "best available option".

Another said: "The area this is redeveloping is sorely underused and it is derelict in its current condition."

But objectors have criticised the design for being out of keeping with Portslade Old Village and argue there is too little parking and not enough community space.

One anonymous objector said: "Please do not destroy the few green spaces that the people living in the existing flats have to sit outside in."

Another said: “The character of the conservation area of Portslade Old Village will be affected negatively."

In all, 26 objections have been sent to the council, while four comments are in support of the plans.

The plans are part of the council’s New Homes for Neighbourhoods programme.

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