Veteran rebuilding life praises 'godsend' charity

Tony sitting on the sofa Image source, Light Project Peterborough
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Tony wants to give back to Garden House in Peterborough by volunteering

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A former soldier says he wants to thank a charity that supported him through addiction and homelessness by volunteering.

Tony, a former World and European junior kickboxing champion, joined the army when he was 16 years old to improve his career.

He credits the support of the Garden House in Peterborough with helping him overcome struggles with his mental health, describing it as "a godsend".

"If you’re willing to help yourself, then everyone will go above and beyond to support you," he said.

Tony, originally from Sheffield, said that following an incident during a posting in Afghanistan, he spent six months in hospital, where he became addicted to morphine.

He said he turned to heroin as a replacement when he was discharged.

Image source, Light Project Peterborough
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Garden House in Peterborough city centre offers support and guidance to homeless people in the city

The Garden House is run by Light Project Peterborough as a respite centre for homeless people.

The charity supported 243 people in March, and has been helping Tony for the past few months.


Sharing his story, Tony said he moved to the city last June but a relationship issue left him with nowhere to live, despite becoming clean of drugs.

“I have PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and multi-personality disorder,” he said.

“I’ve come here (Garden House) for food every day for the past few months, been given clothes, and been supported to access benefits as I’ve never claimed them before.

"They’ve also helped me to get a place in a hostel and helped form a support network."

He said the service provided access to a GP to receive the right medication for his conditions.

Tony said he hoped his story would help others find the courage to seek help - and said he wanted to give back by volunteering.

"I would do it in a heartbeat," he said.

"It has been a godsend for me."

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