Boy's plea for help after food bank van fault

Isaac and his food bank vanImage source, Claire-Louise
Image caption,

Isaac's mum said his van was "his everything"

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A 12-year-old boy who set up his own food bank from his driveway is appealing for help after his van broke down.

Isaac, from Redditch, Worcestershire, started the Friends of Isaac's Food Bank organisation in November 2020.

His pride and joy, used to transport food and pick up supplies, was unable to be used due to a faulty turbo, his family said.

Isaac and his parents said they were quoted more than £1,000 to get the vehicle roadworthy.

Claire-Louise, Isaac's mum, said the amount was "quite astronomical".

"They have quoted us over a £1,000, I've been frantically ringing around different places trying to reduce that," she added.

"To have the van off the road is not great at all because we can't collect any large amounts of stock, we can't move stock to different sites."

The van's breakdown meant the team of volunteers was having to do what they could with their cars.

The vehicle was also filled with stock that could not be delivered to where it was needed, Claire-Louise added.

'Isaac loves his van'

It was originally donated to Isaac when he was 10 years old.

"Isaac loves his van, the gentleman who donated it, Mark, had it all stickered up with his rainbows and logos," said Claire-Louise.

"He is really, really proud of his van.

"To him, his van if just his everything."

The appeal for help with the repairs was posted on the group's Facebook page on Tuesday and within 24 hours more than £150 was raised, his family said.

Since 2020, Isaac had set up five food banks across Redditch and his mum said he hoped to open two more before the end of this year.

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