Budget agreed to balance council's £25m deficit

Protests outside Aberdeen City Council's annual budget meeting
Image caption,

Protesters made their feelings clear about proposed cuts

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Aberdeen City councillors have voted to accept a council tax freeze as part of their annual budget, which also saw spending cuts to close a £25m deficit.

Borrowing is being increased, while the council will also use up more of its cash reserves to balance the books.

The SNP and Liberal Democrat administration also voted to increase parking charges, while fines for falling foul of the city's bus gates will rise from £60 to £100.

However, the authority - which in its 2023 budget controversially closed libraries as well as a swimming pool which was later spared the axe - opted not to reduce grants to Sport Aberdeen and Aberdeen Performing Arts.

The council tax freeze means the charge for a band D property will stay unchanged at £1,489.55.

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