My 80-year-old dad and I ran the London marathon

Anjana Gadgil and father DevImage source, Anjana Gadgil
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BBC South Today presenter Anjana Gadgil and her father took part in the London Marathon on Sunday

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BBC South Today presenter Anjana Gadgil ran the London Marathon on Sunday with her 80-year-old father Dev. She tells us what the experience was like for them both.

It was my first marathon in 16 years and it was definitely a challenge at times but when I was struggling the knowledge that my dad was doing it as well really spurred me on.

I managed to get around in four hours and 23 minutes, which is a lot slower than I used to but was much better than I thought I would do.

The benefit of being a bit slower is that I got to take more time to soak up the amazing atmosphere in the capital and was able to chat with the crowds as I was running.

Dad also managed to finish what was his 21st marathon, his 19th in London.

He first took on the race in 1997 to raise money for Cancer Research after my mum Celia had been diagnosed with breast cancer. She died in 1998, aged 51.

Image source, Anjana Gadgil
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Anjana's dad Dev was pleased he managed to finish his 19th London Marathon in under eight hours

This time round he said: "It was my slowest marathon at seven hours and 27 minutes but I'm just pleased not to pass the eight-hour mark so it was a success for me.

"I got cramp early on in the race and was forced to walk for the majority of the way around but it was such a great day and with the atmosphere I really didn't mind."

Dad has raised more than £50,000 for cancer charities over the years and he smashed his fundraising target yet again.

"I can't believe how generous people have been, I'm very grateful for the support," he said.

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Dev has raised more than £50,000 for cancer charities since he began running in 1997

We both celebrated in the sunshine with our family and enjoyed a well deserved ice cream.

Every bit of my body is aching this morning and I imagine dad is feeling the same but that has not stopped him from immediately getting on the ballot for next year's marathon.

He said he will consider stopping after he runs his 20th but knowing him he will probably keep on going.