Gloucestershire in pictures: Medals and rainbow clouds

Rosalind Canter, Laura Collett and Tom McEwen. Rosalind and Laura are wearing horse riding helmets, whilst Tom is not. The trio are all dressed in equestrian gear and wearing medals around their necks. They have their arms around each other and are smiling Image source, PA Media
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It has been a week of Olympic wins, major road updates and strange looking clouds in Gloucestershire.

Here is a selection of images taken in the county over the past few days.

Image source, PA Media

Going for gold: Rosalind Canter, Laura Collett and Tom McEwen secured Team GB's first gold medal at the Paris Olympics earlier this week after winning the Eventing Team Jumping Final at the Château de Versailles.

Former Hartpury College student Mathilda Hodgkins-Byrne was also among the winners after securing the bronze with rowing partner, Rebecca Wilde, in the Double Sculls on Thursday.

Image source, National Highways

Birds eye view: New pictures from National Highways show the "huge strides" on the A417 Missing Link Scheme.

This includes the completion of 25m-deep foundations and filling them with 360 cubic metres (12713 cubic ft) of concrete.

Historic finds: Archaeologists unearthed more ancient bones and artefacts at a Cerney Wick, near Cirencester.

They discovered a Neanderthal Hand Axe, a Mammoth Pelvis bone and Mammoth Rib bones.

Image source, Getty Images

"It's a daily confusion": Councillors are voting on whether to rename Cotswold Water Park, after local businesses say the name confuses visitors.

It is home to more than 180 lakes and a vast amount of wildlife, inlcuding 35,000 wintering birds.

Image source, Brain Tumour Research

The Chalford Mums: Karen, Julia, Kate, and Christine tackled a 100-mile cycling challenge in memory of their friend Lynne Adams, who died from a brain tumour in 2023.

The group, who have been friends for decades, cycled from the village of Chalford all the way to Chew Valley Sailing Club, which was Lynne's "happy place".

Image source, Catherine Grimley

Up, up and away: Catherine Grimley and her "flying circus" completed a wing walk in Cirencester and raised more than £50,000 to help buy bionic arms.

They performed a loop-the-loop, a barrel role and a stall dive, whilst strapped to a Boeing-Stearman Model 75 biplane.

Image source, Shereen Elizabeth Meanwell

Rainbow cloud: Its official title is 'contrail iridescence' and is created by sunlight within tiny droplets left by a passing airliner.

It was captured on Chalford Hill by Shereen Elizabeth Meanwell.

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