In pictures: Northampton Balloon Festival returns

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 5, General view of hot air balloons inflating before flight at Northampton's Racecourse, The Balloon Festival was held between Friday and Sunday at The Racecourse in Northampton
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Dozens of colourful hot air balloons filled the sky over the weekend as favourable weather conditions prevailed.

Northampton’s Balloon Festival returned to The Racecourse between Friday and Sunday.

The three-day event featured live entertainment, a funfair, a circus workshop, food stalls and fireworks after sunset.

Hot air balloon flights were possible on each day of the event, although a reduced number ascended on Sunday evening due to increased wind.

The ticketed festival was supported by funding from Northampton Town Council, external.

Northampton Balloon Festival was revived in 2023, four years after Billing Aquadrome pulled out of hosting the event.

The festival was first introduced in 1989 by the now defunct Northampton Borough Council, and became a highlight of the town's events calendar.

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