Mum and lover jailed for conspiring to rape child

Outside of Plymouth Crown Court entrance with large mural with a lot of squiggly lines and the city's coat of arms.
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The duo were sentenced at Plymouth Crown Court

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A mother who conspired with her lover for him to rape her young daughter, has been jailed for 17 years.

Devon and Cornwall Police said officers began an investigation in 2021 after the man left his phone with someone in a pub and they saw concerning messages relating to the sexual abuse of a young girl.

The man, 43, from Cornwall, who admitted charges of conspiracy to rape a child under 13, conspiracy to assault a child under 13 by penetration and having child abuse offences, was jailed for 13 years at Plymouth Crown Court.

The woman, 32, from Cornwall, was found guilty at a trial held at Truro Crown Court in May, to the same offences and an extra charge of administering a noxious substance to the child.

The court heard the woman had drugged her daughter to make her sleepy before she was to be abused.

Plymouth Crown Court heard a medical examination proved she had not been raped.

'Extremely harrowing case'

Messages sent between July and December 2021 by the duo - who cannot be named for legal reasons to avoid identifying the victim - spoke about raping and abusing the girl, the court heard, while others contained sexual images of her.

Judge Robert Linford said their offending was "utterly beyond the comprehension of right thinking people" and "an utter betrayal".

The court heard the girl was safe and would never see her mother again.

Det Insp Sara Ward said: “This is an extremely harrowing case, and we welcome the sentences handed down by the judge today.

“I would like to thank everyone who has supported the police investigation through what has been a very long and challenging investigation due to the nature of the crimes.

“The young victim was betrayed by the person who should have been protecting her."

The man and woman were also both given sexual harm prevention orders for 20 years.

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