Residents face charge for home alterations advice

Cannock Chase District Council building Image source, LDRS
Image caption,

Cannock Chase District Council already charges for pre-application advice for major developments

At a glance

  • Council advice for planning applications will no longer be free in Cannock Chase

  • Residents will pay £60 for an initial meeting

  • The charge comes after a significant increase in planning applications and residents seeking advice

  • Cannock Chase District Council said staffing resources were finite

  • Published

Residents in Cannock Chase seeking planning permission for home alterations will now be charged for council advice before submitting their application.

From October, they will be charged £60 for an initial meeting with the district council.

The council currently charges for pre-application advice for major developments.

Councillor Josh Newbury said there had been a rise in planning applications and people seeking advice, but the local authority's resources were stretched.

"They [council officers] are already under increasing pressure and our staff resource is finite," he said.

He said the move would bring the council in line with other local authorities.

However, enquires relating to listed buildings, works to trees, requests from parish councils and permission requests for a registered disabled resident, will be exempt.

'Reasonable and proportionate'

An initial meeting will cost £60 for householders, with £40 charged for a subsequent meeting.

"The new charges, which are reasonable and proportionate, will stop staff being used as free planning consultants and make it fair for those applicants that obtain their own external advice," Mr Newbury said.

He added that the council website also provided information for those submitting planning applications.