Job-seekers offered financial support from fund

Image of two women looking at a computer screenImage source, National Grid
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The organisation is keen to see a range of groups benefit from the fund

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The National Grid is offering financial support to community groups that are helping job seekers find work.

Grants of up to £5,000 from the company's Community Matters Fund are available for charities and organisations supporting people looking for work in Gloucestershire.

The fund is looking to support development of professional skills, work experience opportunities and those returning to work after a long-term absence.

Applications for grants close on 12 July.

The organisation is keen to see a range of groups benefit from the £250,000 fund, including 16-25 year-olds not in full-time education, minority groups, people with disabilities and ex-offenders.

Registered charities can apply for up to £5,000, whilst unregistered community organisations can apply for up to £2,000.

“National Grid understands the huge potential that exists to upskill and support these under-represented groups and is firmly committed to unlocking this untapped talent," said Ellie Patey, the company's community engagement manager.

“We’re keen to see applications from Gloucestershire support groups that deliver practical, focussed programmes to boost skills and improve employability for those furthest from the job market.”

Since the fund started in 2021, it has donated more than £10.5m across the South West, South Wales and the Midlands.

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