MND mountain challenge raises £48k

Nick Deane
Image caption,

Nick Deane said an "amazing amount" had been raised

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More than £48,000 has been raised, after a man with motor neurone disease (MND) organised a mountain climbing challenge for himself and others.

Nearly 40 people, including Nick Deane, from Shrewsbury, aimed to reach the top of Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) within 24 hours last month.

Mr Deane, who is in his late 50s, was doing it to benefit the Motor Neurone Disease Association and walked to the top of all three unaided.

He said it made him feel "very happy" that they had managed "to raise so much".

A GoFundMe appeal had been set up, with a target of £50,000.

Thirty-eight people took part and two others supported them.

MND is a life-shortening condition affecting the brain and nerves.

Mr Deane, from Shrewsbury, said he was currently still able to do physical activities, although his speech has been affected.

"We had an amazing time... all packed in a coach," he said.

Despite the differing fitness levels of those taking part and the weather on Yr Wyddfa he said everyone really enjoyed the day, even if not all of them reached the summits.

Mr Deane also paid tribute to the support team.