Fees for landlords to 'improve' rental properties

A consultation found the majority of landlords opposed the scheme
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Tougher controls over rental properties in a town centre have been approved by a council despite the majority of landlords being opposed to the idea.
Blackpool Council wants to introduce a selective licensing scheme covering 11,000 properties, with landlords paying hundreds of pounds in additional fees.
A consultation found the majority of landlords (77%) opposed the idea but 61% of tenants supported the move.
The scheme which aims to "improve the quality of private sector properties", will go to the secretary of state for final approval.
'Cold and damp'
The licensing covers eight wards , Bloomfield, Brunswick, Claremont, Talbot, Tyldesley, Warbreck, Waterloo and Victoria, where almost two-thirds of homes are privately rented.
Recent enforcement action found at least one in three had hazards, including cold and damp rooms.
A council report said "improving the quality of private sector properties" was a key strategic housing objective.
The private rented sector accounts for 31% of Blackpool’s total housing stock – compared to the national average of 21%, according to Blackpool Council.
"It is crucial that a high standard of accommodation and management is available for Blackpool residents in this sector," the report added.
Many landlords said they already provided good quality homes for their tenants and warned against being burdened with additional costs at a time when they were already facing rises in mortgage rates and other expenses.
Dawn Smith, speaking on behalf of a network of Blackpool landlords, said the council should use other powers to target bad landlords and warned many good landlords would sell up.
“I simply cannot afford the selective licences, so my tenants will have to pay," Ms Smith added.
A single licence covering five years will cost £722, but a number of discounts are in place which reduce the cost to £347 or £69 a year.
The council said this meant “good landlords can potentially save over 50% on their licence fees".
The proposed discounts for landlords on the new scheme include:
Meeting The Blackpool Standard (£200 discount)
Have an EPC rating of A, B or C (an additional £100)
A further discount for application within the first 3 months of the scheme (£125)
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