Sexual harassment researchers receive award

Prof Carie Newlands and Daljit DhariwalImage source, University of Surrey/OUH
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Prof Carie Newlands and Daljit Dhariwal were awarded the Colyer Gold Medal

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Two researchers who uncovered widespread sexual harassment within the medical surgery industry have received prestigious medals for their work.

Daljit Dhariwal and Prof Carie Newlands were each awarded the Colyer Gold Medal by the Royal College of Surgeons.

Miss Dhariwal is a surgeon and Oxford University tutor, while Prof Newlands undertakes her research at the University of Surrey.

The pair were recognised for their "groundbreaking contribution to the profession and wider society".

Their study, published in the British Journal of Surgery, found that 63.3% of women and 23.7% of men had experienced sexual harassment from colleagues in the past five years.

Miss Dhariwal, who is a consultant oral and maxillofacial surgeon at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (OUH), said she was "proud and humbled" to receive the award.

'Significant first step'

"As a leader, it is an honour and a responsibility to ensure there is a voice for those who have not found theirs yet and, although it is not easy to raise difficult subjects, it is the right thing to do," she said.

Prof Newlands said the impact of the pair's research had been "encouraging".

"It has sparked important discussions about making work environments in UK hospitals safer," she said.

"While there’s much progress to be made, openly having these conversations is a significant first step."

The Colyer Gold Medal is awarded at irregular intervals for "excellence in oral healthcare, for service to the faculty, contributions to the profession or wider society through actions or discoveries".