In pictures: Solstice sunrise

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 5, Ellesmere, Ellesmere provided the setting of this solstice sunrise by Jilla
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People have welcomed in the winter solstice across the West Midlands.

The 21 December marks the longest night of the year, and fewest daytime hours.

It rose at 08:16 GMT and is due to set at 15:55, the Met office said.

On the winter solstice the northern hemisphere is at its maximum tilt away from the Sun.

Image source, Harry the Springer
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There was a great view of the landscape surrounding Wigmore

Image source, KarenJ
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Cloud cover masked the early morning sun in Kings Norton

Image source, Weather Watcher Will
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The sun slowly emerged in New Bilton, near Rugby

Image source, Daisy Chayne
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A strong rainbow arced over Eaton Bishop on Wednesday morning