School going 'green' with solar roof farm plan

Rhyddings Business and Enterprise School Image source, Google
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The Rhyddings Business and Enterprise School has applied to the council for permission for the solar panels

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A secondary school is proposing to fit solar panels to its roofs to generate some of its own green power.

The Rhyddings Buisness and Enterprise school in Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire, has applied to Hyndburn Council for prior approval of the scheme.

It would see the installation of 500 solar photovoltaic panels with a total generation capacity of about 215 kWp.

The college recently underwent a £10million redevelopment, replacing its old east and west blocks which had to be demolished after serious structural problems were discovered.

A supporting statement submitted with the application says: “Rhyddings Business and Enterprise College is located in the bustling neighbourhood of Oswaldtwistle and stands taller compared to most neighbouring properties.

“The proposed installation will help the school in its ambition to maximise on the potential of on-site for zero-carbon electricity generation as part of its wider decarbonisation strategy.

“The proposal of panels will in no way affect the amenity of the conservation area and its residents.

“It will only enhance the image of the school building being an up-to-date learning centre.”

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