My Bottom Line: Moray MacLennan, M&C Saatchi Worldwide

Moray MacLennan is the chief executive of advertising agency M&C Saatchi Worldwide, external.

Moray says there is a saying in the advertising industry that "you're only three phone calls away from disaster" and it is a particularly cut-throat business where even your friends are looking to steal your clients.

He also says it is a stressful business because of the tension that exists between the business side and the creative side - he has to make deals with clients, but he is not in control of making the advertisements.

However, he says the best way to cope is to let go - hire the right creative talent in the first place and let them get on with the job.

Moray appeared on The Bottom Line which is broadcast on BBC Radio 4 and BBC World Service. Listen again via the download or watch it on the BBC News Channel.

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