Autumn Statement: Rail ticket price rises in England curbed

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Rail tickets held out in front of ticket machine

Commuters across England will have a little respite from the planned rise in regulated train tickets, including season tickets, that is due next month.

They were due to pay an average of 4.1% more. That has now been cut to 3.1%.

But train firms will keep the option to increase some tickets by as much as 5.1%, as long as they cut similar fares elsewhere, in a system known as "flex".

Some commuters might now pay £40-£50 less than expected on season tickets, but will still pay more overall.

In Wales, the average rise remains at inflation plus 1% for now, although season tickets will go up by less than inflation.

The Scottish government says increases in regulated peak fares will be capped at RPI in January 2014 and January 2015. And regulated off-peak fares are frozen after 2013, provided that RPI remains below 3.5% per annum.

There are no planned rises in Northern Ireland.