Twitter to share video advertising cash with creators

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Twitter screenImage source, Getty Images

Twitter will start sharing advertising revenue generated by videos made by individual users with their creators.

The platform has only shared revenue from videos with corporate partners such as the National Football League and CBS until now.

Twitter has been pushing to feature more video as it battles social media competitors such as Facebook and Snapchat.

The revenue sharing will only be available for Twitter users in the US.

On the company's corporate blog, external Twitter said the move would allow all video creators to "generate revenue at scale".

It did not reveal how much of the revenue it would share with video creators.

Technology news site ReCode reported that Twitter planned to share up to 70% of the revenues.

According to Twitter's blog, approved US creators will have the option to check a box when they upload their video granting permission to play commercials before the video runs.

It recently increased the maximum length of videos that can be tweeted from 30 seconds to 140 seconds.

Twitter is also expanding the number of livestreaming video events across entertainment, news, and sports.

Shares in Twitter fell 0.6% to $18.35 - bringing the fall over the past 12 months to 31%.

Last month it said revenue for the second quarter rose 20% to $602m - far slower than a 61% increase in the same period last year.