University tuition fees list

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Tuition fees in England for full-time undergraduate courses from 2012.

Universities in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will also be able to raise their fees from 2012, but their home students will not be affected.

Here is a list of what different universities are charging.

Universities in England:

Universities in Wales: Welsh students' fees above £3,465 are paid by the Welsh assembly wherever they study in the UK. But students from England, Scotland and Northern Ireland will have to pay the full cost.

Universities in Scotland: Scottish students do not have to pay fees, but universities can charge those from elsewhere in the UK up to £9,000 (although the Welsh Assembly will subsidise costs for Welsh students). Students coming to study in Scotland from European Union countries outside of the UK will not have to pay fees there.

Universities in Northern Ireland: Fees for students from Northern Ireland will remain at about £3,500 a year, but students from Scotland, England and Wales will be charged higher fees. Students from the Republic of Ireland and from EU countries outside of the UK will pay the same as students from Northern Ireland. Welsh students will be subsidised and will pay the same as students from Northern Ireland.

Source: Offa/universities