Election 2015: Day at-a-glance

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A daily guide to the key stories, newspaper headlines and quotes from the campaign for the 7 May general election.

Labour's manifesto moment

Image source, EPA

Day in a nutshell

  • Labour launched its manifesto with a pledge that each of its policies would be fully funded and require no additional borrowing

  • Party leader Ed Miliband said Labour would "change the way the country is run and who it is run for"

  • But Chancellor George Osborne said Mr Miliband had "failed to set out a credible economic plan"

  • Shadow chancellor Ed Balls told the BBC he could not guarantee Scotland would be exempt from spending cuts if he became the next chancellor - leading to claims he was contradicting Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy

  • The Lib Dems revealed plans to allow people to switch energy suppliers within 24 hours

  • The Greens launched a "vote big, vote brave" poster campaign

  • UKIP's Nigel Farage encouraged people to vote tactically

Follow all the reaction, key points and analysis on our rolling Election Live page.

You can visit our at-a-glance guide to the Labour manifesto here.

Monday's newspaper headlines

  • The Guardian splashes, external on Labour's manifesto launch, saying it will use today to portray itself as "the party of fiscal responsibility"

  • The Telegraph says, external Ed Miliband will ask "sceptical voters to trust him on the economy" as he launches the document in Manchester

  • The launch will see Labour try to "secure a breakthrough in deadlocked polls by tackling the party's main weakness head on", says the FT, external

  • The Times writes, external that Conservative leader David Cameron, in an attempt to deliver a more positive message, has offered voters a "Conservative dream" of "hard work rewarded and a good life"

Manifestos matter

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BBC Political Editor Nick Robinson: Taking another step back to reporting

BBC Political Editor Nick Robinson has been blogging about the the importance of party manifestos and why we should take the time to read them.

Nick has also blogged about Ed Miliband's speech today. He writes: "It was one of the most powerful speeches I've seen him make.

"It was, though, the front page of the manifesto with its "Budget Responsibility Commitment" and "clear vow to protect our nation's finances" which revealed his greatest fear.

"How can he convince voters so soon after the Great Crash of 2008 to put Labour in charge of the economy again?"

Key quotes

Labour leader Ed Miliband: "I am ready, ready to put an end to the tired old idea that as long as we look after the rich and powerful we will all be OK.

"Ready to build a country that works for working people once again. Ready to put into practice the truth that it is only when working people succeed, that Britain succeeds.

"If you elect me your prime minister in just over three weeks' time, I will work for that goal. I will fight for that goal. Every single day. In everything I do. In every decision I make."

Conservative chancellor George Osborne: "Ed Miliband has failed to set out a credible economic plan today and nobody will be fooled by it.

"There were no new ideas for Britain and if you read the small print, it confirms he will run a deficit every year which means higher borrowing, more debt and higher taxes. Britain doesn't want to return to the economic chaos of the past."

Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg: "Ed Miliband's claim that Labour has no plans for additional borrowing is a bit like an alcoholic, who drinks a bottle of vodka every day, claiming they have no plans for additional vodka.

"It's a dangerous habit, it's a dangerous addiction and their plans actually involve £70bn of more borrowing than we know is necessary."

Shadow chancellor Ed Balls: "I can't say to Scotland that you're going to be exempt from spending cuts in the unprotected areas but they're sensible and they are absolutely in marked contrast to what the Tories are proposing."

SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon: "The truth is out about Labour spending cuts. Jim Murphy's false claims in the TV debates have been rubbished by his own party bosses at Westminster, who have hung him out to dry."

Surprise visitor

Image source, Getty Images

Tory chief whip Michael Gove turned up outside Labour's manifesto launch this morning with a group of people with Nicola Sturgeon masks.

Weekend recap

If you were out doing something else this weekend and want to take a look back at what happened in the world of politics, take a look at live coverage from Saturday and Sunday.

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