Vote Plaid Cymru for successful Brexit, says Leanne Wood

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Leanne Wood

Wales must move beyond the European Union referendum and look to the future, Plaid Cymru's leader has said.

Leanne Wood claimed Labour and the Conservatives did not represent Wales' interests and only Plaid could secure a successful EU exit for Wales.

She said it was time to move on from the result and a subsequent Brexit to focus on "what a good deal for Wales could look like".

Labour's Chris Bryant said only his party would "stand up for Wales".

Writing in the Sunday Times, external, Ms Wood said if people did not move past the referendum and "vote in Wales's national interest on June 8" in the general election, Wales would be "defenceless from Tory attempts to sell off the Welsh NHS and allow cheap imports to undermine our steel and agriculture sector as it pursues dangerous foreign trade deals".

"It's time to move on from the 2016 referendum and focus on what a good deal for Wales could look like," she wrote.

"We will seek a positive future for Wales based on the defence of our economy, our communities and even our identity.

"Now is the time for us all to move beyond the decision to leave the EU, to show that we believe in Wales, to defend Wales and to vote for Wales."

Labour's Chris Bryant said a vote for Plaid Cymru risked letting the Tories "walk all over Wales".

"Plaid Cymru like to pose as a progressive party, but in the Welsh assembly they joined with the Tories and UKIP to vote against vital funding for hospitals, homes and education," he said.

"It is only Welsh Labour that will stand up for Wales."

On a visit to Bridgend last month, Prime Minister Theresa May said backing the Tories would "strengthen my hand" in Brexit negotiations and be a vote for a "stronger Wales".