US election 2016: Trump victory in maps
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In a stunning election night, the Republican nominee for president, Donald Trump, secured victory after a string of formerly Democratic states swung his way.
Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa and Michigan all turned red.
Nationally, Donald Trump won 47% of the vote to Hillary Clinton's 48% - yet this translated into 306 electoral college votes for the Republicans and 232 for the Democrats.
The map above shows where Mr Trump improved on the share of the vote achieved by Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential candidate who failed to beat President Barack Obama in 2012.
Donald Trump's vote share mapped
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The Democrats lost support in the mid-west and around the Great Lakes, as well as in the south east, with exit polls suggesting that men voted Republican in much higher numbers than women.

The poll of 24,500 people was conducted by Edison Research for ABC News, AP, CBS News, CNN, Fox News and NBC News.
Hillary Clinton's vote share mapped
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The national share of the vote dropped by more than three points for the Democrats compared with 2012, while the Republican share of the vote did not change significantly.
At the state level, this pattern meant that the key state of Florida's 29 electoral college votes were transferred from the Democrats to the Republicans. The state had previously voted for President Obama twice.

The result was on a knife edge, but Donald Trump won by one percent of the vote.
Votes given to other candidates in the state, principally the Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, would have been enough to clinch the state for Hillary Clinton.
The strong support older voters gave the Republicans helped them to win Florida.

Pennsylvania was another striking victory for Mr Trump in the battleground states. The state had voted Democrat in the previous six presidential elections.

In addition to Pennsylvania and Florida, the president-elect also won in many other of the key states by slim margins, as the chart below shows.

Mr Trump's electoral victory was underpinned by his success in winning over white voters, with 58% of them voting for the Republican candidate. White voters made up 70% of the electorate in this year's election.

Mr Trump was especially popular among non-college-educated white men, receiving seven in 10 votes from that demographic group and six in 10 votes from non-college-educated white women.

Almost nine in 10 black voters (88%) supported Mrs Clinton, compared with 8% who opted for Mr Trump. Barack Obama secured 93% of the black vote in the 2012 election.
A smaller proportion of Hispanic votes went to Mrs Clinton than to President Obama in 2012, according to the exit poll.
As well as taking hold of the White House, the Republicans have also retained their majority in both the Senate and the House of Representatives.
Produced by John Walton, Ed Lowther, Nassos Stylianou, Ransome Mpini, Chris Ashton, Luke Ewer, Joe Reed, Lilly Huynh and Salim Qurashi.