Kamala Harris, Democratic Candidate


270 to win
Kamala Harris of the Democrat party has 226 electoral college votes.
Kamala Harris, Democratic Candidate
Donald Trump of the Republican party has 312 electoral college votes.
Donald Trump, Republican Candidate

Kamala Harris of the Democrat party has 75,012,178 votes (48.3%)

Donald Trump of the Republican party has 77,302,416 votes (49.8%)

0 results to go
Donald Trump, Republican Candidate

US presidential election results 2024

Presidential results map

This map of the US states was filled in as presidential results were called. It shows huge swathes of the country coloured red for Republicans including much of the south, mid and north west regions. Kamala Harris picked up states in the north east, the west coast, as well as Colorado, New Mexico, Illinois and Minnesota, all coloured in blue. Donald Trump passed the critical threshold of 270 electoral college votes with a projected win in the state of Wisconsin making him the next US president.

State results list


Voters are also choosing new members of Congress who play a key part in passing laws that can have a profound effect on American life.

Senate, House and governors

Thirty-four seats were contested in the Senate, the upper chamber in Congress. All 435 seats in the House of Representatives, the lower chamber, are being voted on. Voters in 11 states also elected a governor.

Senate races

House races

Governor races