Made in Chelsea's Ollie Locke to become Ollie Locke-Locke

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Gareth Locke and Ollie LockeImage source, Instagram/Ollielockeworld

Made in Chelsea star Ollie Locke has said he and fiance Gareth Locke will join their matching surnames when they get married.

Ollie, who has known his fiance for 10 years, said: "We are going to be Locke-Locke. I like the idea that his family and my family will be joined together."

The couple announced their engagement in the Times on Tuesday.

Ollie took part in Celebs Go Dating this year before realising Gareth was the one.

The 30-year-old reality star also revealed the details of the proposal to Hello! magazine, external, with Gareth asking for his hand during a walk in a London park with his dog Bear.

"We decided to go for a lovely walk with Bear in Kensington Park Gardens which is my favourite park and we came across the Peter Pan statue, which is my favourite statue," Ollie said.

"I walked towards Gareth who was just standing there and he gave me a hug..."

Gareth added: "I was 200 yards away and I was thinking 'I have got to do this now'."

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Ollie has also appeared on Celebrity Big Brother and Bear Grylls' Celebrity Island.

He found fame in Made in Chelsea when the show began in 2011 and has been in and out of the show since.

He also published a bestselling memoir, Laid in Chelsea, in 2013.

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