Jaime Winstone warns of the health risks of oral sex

In a new documentary for BBC Three, actress Jaime Winstone has investigated how the human papillomavirus (HPV), which can be transmitted through oral sex, could lead to the rare oropharyngeal cancer.

She is now calling for the government to rethink its policy and include teenage boys in its HPV vaccination programme.

Since 2008, girls have been offered the vaccine at school because it protects them against cervical cancer.

However, Professor David Salisbury, director of immunisation at the Department of Health, says more evidence is needed to ensure that vaccinating boys would be cost effective for the NHS.

The Made In Dagenham star told the BBC's Sam Naz that numbers of younger people being diagnosed with this rare cancer are rising and that men are at higher risk.

You can find out more about HPV and comment on the issue on the BBC Three Blog.

Is Oral Sex Safe? is on BBC Three, Monday 10 January, 2100 GMT and afterwards on iPlayer.

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