Jim fixed it for me
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BBC News website readers have been sending their pictures of when they met Sir Jimmy Savile. "Jim fixed it for me to play the bagpipes at Edinburgh castle. The most amazing memory ever a kid could have, I was 12 at the time so it was around 1989/1990. Rip jim xx Marie".

Christopher Rayner went swimming with dolphins on the 10th anniversary show. "They all had to get on a bus and guess where they were going? It ended up with them going swimming with three dolphins at Flamingo Land in North Yorkshire," says Jill Moore who took this picture of her boyfriend on Market Street in Manchester with his Jim'll fix it badge.

Jessica Smith met Jimmy at Butlins, Skegness, in 1965.

"This picture was taken in a holiday village in Belgium in about 1975! We bumped into him and myself, gran and brothers are in the picture! We were delighted to have met someone so popular on our holiday!" Photo: Lauraine Sinclair

Suzanne Halliday from Tiverton in Devon says "When this photo was taken in 1976 I was a 19 year old student nurse at Stoke Mandeville Hospital. The following year I was a patient in the hospital myself. Jimmy came to visit me in my side room on the orthopaedic ward and there was a lot of commotion outside because people wanted to see him. It was a totally surreal experience when one was recovering from a head injury!"

Elliot Bransby met Sir Jimmy Savile in 2007, when he was 17. Elliot's father David contacted Jimmy Savile to take part in a charity event. He said: "I was taken aback when he phoned me and accepted my invitation." This picture was taken at Roundhay Park lake.

Jim fixed it for Paul Bruce to drive an HGV: "I wrote to him when I was 13 years old asking to be allowed to drive an HGV. My father was an HGV driver and I wanted to grow up and be just like my Dad."

Jeffrey Collins, pictured centre, says he knew Jimmy very well, as they were both from Leeds and worked closely with each other. Jeffrey was a record promotor in the 60s. Send your photos to yourpics@bbc.co.uk. For terms and conditions go to www.bbc.co.uk/terms.