In pictures: Fishing for shrimp
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Eight years ago, families living in the coastal Cham fishing villages of Kampot province managed a small coup - they won back fishing rights for the community from the Cambodian government.

Since the establishment of the Trapang Sangke community, catches have increased and the fisherman can now earn $6 for half a day's work.

The shrimp is dried in a solar drier which was donated to the community by an international NGO, ensuring it is prepared in an hygienic environment, allowing them to charge a higher price.

Members of the community are responsible for security, and make regular patrols to ensure there is no illegal logging of the mangrove forest or illegal fishing which could deplete stocks.

Tourists are given tours of the area as part of a drive to create an eco-tourism destination. This has brought in extra income, built confidence and improved English skills among the community.

As well as western tourists, Cambodian students and tourists are also encouraged, with educational trips seen as an important part of the community's outreach to the next generation.

Here a young student from the community plants a mangrove as part of the regeneration plan.

Here a fisherman prepares for a night fishing trip.

Buyers wait for the boats to return. Now the community has more control over the mangroves, they have eliminated third party buyers who were driving the prices down.

In 2014 catches had increased to the point where income from fishing reached a sustainable level for the community.

All photographs © Charles Fox, external.