#WomensMarch against Donald Trump around the world
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Officials in Washington say up to half a million demonstrators joined the Women's March there on Saturday

Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson, who campaigned for Barack Obama, was one of the famous faces at the Washington demo

In New York, one woman took inspiration from Mary Poppins

Hundreds of marches were held worldwide. The protests, like this one in London, called for greater inclusivity and respect for women's rights

In Macau, China, even the youngest were encouraged to take part, however aware they were of politics

Organisers said they wanted to encourage a global movement for women's rights - this woman joined a march in Berlin

In Sydney, Australia, protesters took to the skies

A London protester delivers a lesson in British slang

A rally for equal rights began at this restaurant in Bangkok

Thousands of people marched in Sydney's Hyde Park - much of the focus was on Mr Trump's recorded comments that he had grabbed women by their genitalia

A woman waits for the start of the #IWillGoOut rally in Delhi, organised to show solidarity to the Washington marchers

The "pussyhats", seen here in Melbourne, Australia, have become a symbol of the movement

Mr Trump's reference to rival Hillary Clinton as "a nasty woman" in their final debate was remembered in Melbourne

Young Dora launched an alternative campaign for president, a few years early, in Sydney

President Obama may have been out of office for only one day, but it was enough for this woman to express her loss in London