Week in pictures: 7 - 13 April 2018
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Our selection of some of the most striking news photographs taken around the world this week.

English swimmer Adam Peaty meets a green turtle at the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, while on a break from participating in the 2018 Commonwealth Games.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is surrounded as he arrives to testify before US senators regarding the company's use of user data.

At a park in the city of Ayutthaya, Thai revellers and elephants throw water at each other in the lead-up to the Songkran Festival celebration, the Thai traditional New Year, which is also known as "the Water Festival".

Priests are seen as Pope Francis leads a Holy Mass to mark the Feast of Divine Mercy at the Vatican. The day is always celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter.

Diamanto Evripidou of Cyprus performs during the rhythmic gymnastics ribbon final of the Commonwealth Games on Australia's Gold Coast.

Devotees pull the chariot of the god Bhairab during the Biska Festival in Bhaktapur, Nepal. In the festival, different gods are placed into chariots and dragged into an open square.

Two members of the under-15 team of the Jordanian Football Club Shabab Al Ordon watch their training session. Shabab Al Ordon was the second club in Jordan to have a girls' team in 2004. Now, there are teams for all age groups as well as a football academy raising the next generations of women players.

A protester is escorted out by the the police after breaking through barriers as comedian Bill Cosby arrived for the first day of his sexual assault retrial at the Montgomery County Courthouse in Norristown, Pennsylvania.

Women, photographed from the Chinese side of the North Korean border, are seen through binoculars fixed on a building. The binoculars allow sightseers in Tumen, China, to look across to Namyang in North Korea.

Children wait for food distribution at an internally displaced persons camp in Bunia, Democratic Republic of Congo.
All photographs are copyrighted.