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Live Reporting

Paul Gribben, Dulcie Lee and Becky Morton

All times stated are UK

  1. Peter Bone heads for meeting with May

    Eurosceptic MP Peter Bone said he was "hopeful we can get a deal" on the way into a meeting with the prime minister.

    He added that he might be persuaded to vote for the PM's amended deal "as long as we deliver the Brexit people voted for".

    Peter Bone
  2. Benn and Cooper enter Cabinet Office for talks

    Hilary Benn and Yvette Cooper

    Labour MPs Yvette Cooper and Hilary Benn have entered the Cabinet Office for talks with the prime minister.

    Mr Benn remarked: "The really important question is, there's an open door, is there an open mind to a change?"

    Ms Cooper said: "We want to see if the government is actually prepared to make some changes.

    "They've lost the vote by 230. That's obviously a very substantial loss."

  3. Corbyn's letter to May

    As he said in his speech in Hastings earlier today, Labour's leader has written to the prime minister outlining his position with regards to a no-deal Brexit.

    Mr Corbyn states in the letter his party has "set out an alternative framework for a better deal".

    He also repeats that he is willing to meet for talks, but only if the PM's "existing red lines" are changed.

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  4. Would revoking Article 50 show 'weakness'?

    More from Politics Live, with director of Leavers of Britain Lucy Harris suggesting not enough Brexiteer voices are being heard in the current debate:

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  5. Reality Check

    Brexit: Are we running out of time?

    Justice secretary David Gauke

    Throughout the Brexit process, people have used the image of a ticking clock. On 29 March, unless something changes, the clock stops.

    That's why political pressure in the United Kingdom to extend Article 50 (the two year negotiating period for leaving the EU - which runs out on that date) is growing.

    Article 50 can't be paused. It can only be extended or revoked altogether and if neither of these things happen, the UK leaves, deal or no deal.

    So, what are the options as we approach 29 March?

  6. UK has 'very little leverage'

    Appearing on the BBC's Politics Live, Sunday Times political editor Tim Shipman explains why Theresa May is in such a weak position to return to the EU and renegotiate her deal:

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  7. 'Even no deal would require Article 50 extension'

    BBC Politics Live

    BBC2's lunchtime political programme

    The Brussels bureau chief of the Financial Times, Alex Barker, told BBC Politics Live that he is yet to meet someone in Brussels who believes the UK could leave the EU without an extension to Article 50.

    He said the inauguration of the new European parliament on July 2nd was "the real deadline".

    "The lawyers are working away, but there's a lot of concern that if the UK doesn't have an election, and remains a member state, that you kind of shoot the legitimacy of the European Parliament, and all the decisions that it takes."

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  8. Corbyn's decision not to meet PM 'is matter of trust'

    The World at One

    BBC Radio 4

    Labour MP Tony Lloyd, who is the party's shadow Northern Ireland secretary, responded to criticism of his leader Jeremy Corbyn, who has refused to join Theresa May's discussions.

    Mr Lloyd told BBC Radio 4: "In the end this is a matter of trust. The track record of Theresa May is that at every level she's had to be dragged kicking and screaming into dialogue even with her own cabinet, let alone with Parliament and the country.

    "The reality at the moment is this - we've got to build trust that the prime minister is negotiating in good faith. The whole of Parliament would vote against a no-deal Brexit, including huge number of Conservative MPs, including members of her cabinet.

    "On that basis, ruling out no-deal Brexit actually says that we begin the conversations that this isn't going to be a return to 'it's my deal or no-deal' because that's the dangerous thing for the country".

  9. 'Troops ready to be deployed in no-deal Brexit' - Evening Standard

    The Evening Standard, which is edited by former Conservative chancellor George Osborne, reports that Theresa May has issued a formal call-out notice for troops in the event the UK leaves the EU without a deal.

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  10. Mike Gapes: 'Corbyn's met Hamas and Hezbollah...why not May?'

    The World at One

    BBC Radio 4

    Labour MP Mike Gapes - who is a critic of Jeremy Corbyn - said the leader's decision not to meet Theresa May for talks unless she rules out a no-deal Brexit is wrong.

    Mr Gapes told the BBC Radio 4's World at One programme: "He's been quite happy in the past to meet with Hamas and Hezbollah and President Assad and the Iranians without pre-conditions.

    "I can't see why he has this pre-condition. He can then go in and argue robustly against the no-deal and set out his position and she can set out her position.

    "But unless we get dialogue across Parliament and across government and opposition, we are not going to get out of this national crisis."

  11. France to train 600 extra staff for no-deal Brexit

    Lucy Williamson

    BBC's Paris Correspondent

    French PM Edouard Philippe
    Image caption: French PM Edouard Philippe

    The French prime minister, Edouard Philippe, has unveiled government plans for managing a no-deal Brexit.

    He said €50m was being invested in preparing the country's ports and airports as there were "strong fears" that Britain would leave the EU without an arranged withdrawal.

    Mr Philippe said the government would train and deploy almost 600 extra staff at ports, and warned that there could be longer queues to enter France.

    Over the next few weeks, the French government will publish its plan for British citizens and British companies there.

    France's Europe minister, Nathalie Loiseau, told the BBC that France was preparing for a no-deal because "we had a Brexit by accident, and we could well have a no-deal by accident too".

    The port of Calais has said it's confident there will be no extra delays in the event of Britain leaving the EU in March without a deal, but some trucking companies and local officials say there isn't enough time to get all the systems and staff in place.

  12. Plaid Cymru: We would back May's deal if referendum followed

    BBC Politics Live

    BBC2's lunchtime political programme

    Plaid Cymru leader Adam Price
    Image caption: Plaid Cymru leader Adam Price speaks outside the Cabinet Office on Thursday

    Adam Price AM, leader of Plaid Cymru, said his party would vote in favour of a deal put to the Commons by Theresa May if it were to be followed by a referendum.

    Mr Price was speaking after meeting with David Lidington and Environment Secretary Michael Gove.

    He said: "If the government were to come out on Monday with that position [of a second referendum] then the gridlock, the impasse, the logjam would be broken, and we could move forward."

    He said Mr Lidington and Mr Gove were in "listening mode".

    "We talked in detail about the practicalities of how we could make it [a People's Vote] happen.

    "There's issues around a timetable. There's issues around the question on the ballot paper. We talked about that."

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  13. Lib Dems 'won't support Corbyn in any more no-confidence votes'

    Lib Dems' Sir Vince Cable outside parliament
    Image caption: Sir Vince Cable said Jeremy Corbyn should "get off the fence"

    Sir Vince Cable, leader of the Liberal Democrats - which is calling for another EU referendum - has said his party won't support Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn in any more no-confidence motions.

    The Lib Dems backed Mr Corbyn's no-confidence motion in the government this week - which the government narrowly won.

    Mr Corbyn spoke in Hastings earlier, where he said he was "quite happy" to discuss Brexit with Mrs May - but she must rule out a no-deal Brexit first.

    Afterwards, Mr Cable said: "Since he [Corbyn] appears to be determined to play party political games rather than acting on the wishes of his own members and MPs, he will no longer be able to rely on our support for further no-confidence motions.

    "I believe other parties are taking the same view. It's time Mr Corbyn got off the fence and made his position plain."

  14. Umunna: Refusing talks with PM will not stop no-deal Brexit

    BBC Politics Live

    BBC2's lunchtime political programme

    Chuka Umunna

    Labour MP Chuka Umunna, who is passionately pro-EU, said Jeremy Corbyn should "of course" meet with Theresa May.

    "I don't think there should be any preconditions. And I also think she should drop her red lines," he said.

    "By having preconditions for a meeting with the prime minister, does that make it more likely or less likely that you're going to be able to stop no-deal?

    "I don't see how not meeting with her is going to increase the chances of stopping no-deal."