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Live Reporting

Courtney Subramanian and Max Matza

All times stated are UK

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  1. Trump: NYT is third-rate journalism

    In his denial of a New York Times report alleging he groped women, Trump focused his attack on the newspaper. 

    "The New York Times is fighting desperately for its relevance and financial survival," he said, adding it has "gotten more and more vicious" in its coverage. 

    "Third-rate journalism," he added. 

    Meanwhile, CNN media correspondent Brian Stelter says the NYT has declined to retract its report. 

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  2. Trump declares war on media

    Trump launched an assault on media outlets, saying "corporate media is no longer involved in journalism" but instead focus on a political agenda to "elect crooked Hillary Clinton at any cost, at any price, no matter how many lives they destroy".

    "For them, it's war," he said. "And for them, nothing at all is out of bounds." 

    He added that election day is the last chance for the "survival of our nation".

    "This election will determine whether we are a free nation or whether we only have an illusion of democracy", he said. 

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  3. Trump disputes People reporter's claims


    While denying the People magazine reporter's claim that he forcibly kissed her, Trump suggested her looks were evidence enough that the story was false. 

    "You take a look, look at her, look at her words, you tell me what you think, I don't think - I don't think so."

  4. BreakingTrump denies 'preposterous' allegations

    "These vicious claims about me about inappropriate conduct with women are totally and absolutely false," Trump declared. 

    "And the Clintons know it." 

    "These events never ever happened," he said, before saying his campaign would present evidence disputing the allegations of inappropriate behaviour soon. 

  5. Paul Ryan refuses to comment

    Paul Ryan and Donald Trump
    Image caption: Paul Ryan has withdrawn his support but not his endorsement

    Speaker of the House Paul Ryan said earlier this week that he would stop defending his party's candidate for president and would instead focus on local elections.

    Now he's addressing the Waukesha Council Business Alliance in his home state of Wisconsin. He tells them to take a break "from all the mudslinging and the mess that's there on TV" and discuss ideas instead.  

    "Guess what: We actually are running on ideas in this election. You would never know it, would you?

    "There is an actual choice between two different schools of thought, two different philosophies, two different agendas."

    "This will be a substantive talk", he added with a chuckle.

  6. 'Honestly she should be locked up'

    Trump lashed out against Clinton as audience members cheered: "Lock her up!" 

    After pacing across the stage, Trump said: "Honestly she should be locked up," before the crowd erupted into cheers. 

    Trump takes the stage
  7. Trump: Government has robbed us

    Trump supporters in Florida await his appearance
    Image caption: Trump supporters in Florida await his appearance

    Trump said the "corrupt establishment" has "stripped away" cities like Detroit and Flint, Michigan and rural towns in Ohio and North Carolina. 

    "They've taken the wealth out of our country never to return unless I'm elected president," he declared. 

  8. Trump slams political establishment

    Now it's Trump's turn to respond.

    He appeared at a Florida rally and immediately attacked Washington and the political establishment. 

    "Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt...political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American people". 

    "This is not simply another four-year election, this is a crossroads in the history of our civilisation", he said, calling his campaign an "existential threat" to the establishment. 

    Donald Trump
    Image caption: Trump takes the stage in Florida
  9. People releases statement defending journalist

    People Editor-in-Chief Jess Cagle has issued a statement defending reporter Natasha Stoynoff and her allegations that Trump forcibly kissed her. 

    "We stand steadfastly by her, and are proud to publish her clear, credible account of what happened," the statement read.

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  10. Trump supporters boo journalist

    A journalist accompanying Trump on his Florida trip was booed by his supporters when he asked if Trump had ever touched or groped a woman without her consent.

    Trump called the reporter a "sleazebag". 

    Watch the video below:

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  11. Michelle Obama: This has shaken me to the core

    "Leaders should meet a basic standard of human decency," Michelle Obama said during a campaign appearance in New Hampshire. 

    Mr Trump's remarks are "so shocking, so demeaning that I simply will not repeat anything here today, and last week we saw this candidate actually bragging about sexually assaulting women".

    She added adding that she couldn't believe that she was saying this, and that it "has shaken me to my core in a way that I cannot have predicted".

    The visibly emotional first lady said that "this is not politics as normal. this is disgraceful. it is intolerable".

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  12. What are the allegations against Trump?

    • he groped a woman on a plane in the early 1980s
    • he forcibly kissed a woman in Trump Tower, New York, in 2005
    • he grabbed a woman's bottom at his Mar-a-Lago resort in 2003
    • he pushed a woman against a wall and forced his tongue down her throat at the same resort in 2005
    • he deliberately walked into the changing rooms of the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant

    We have a round-up of the allegations and Donald Trump's responses to each here

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  13. Trump cancels a Fox News interview

    Sean Hannity
    Image caption: Hannity is Trump's favourite interviewer

    Trump has cancelled an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News, according to CNN's media correspondent.

    But he is due to appear at a rally in Florida shortly.

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  14. Welcome back

    Hello and thanks for joining us as we report on the reaction to a slew of allegations of sexual misconduct against Republican nominee Donald Trump.

    You can read a summary of the story here.

  15. We're moving...

    This live event is ending. With less than two hours to go until the debate, our minute-by-minute coverage continues here.