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Live Reporting

Courtney Subramanian and Max Matza

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  1. John Kasich's rough road to the nomination

    Anthony Zurcher

    BBC North America reporter

    Video content

    Video caption: John Kasich says he won't take 'low road' after Ohio win

    John Kasich is basking in the glow of his first win of the 2016 Republican nomination campaign. The 66 delegates his home state gives him more than doubles his delegate count and offers him some much-needed momentum now that Marco Rubio, who was competing with him for moderate Republican votes, has dropped out of the race.

    But Mr Kasich faces a cold, hard truth. Even with his Ohio bounty, his path to winning the nomination through the primary process is improbable bordering on impossible.

    In order for him to hit the magic mark of 1,237 delegates – a bare majority necessary to secure the nomination on the first ballot at the convention – he’d have to win 92% of the delegates in the remaining contests. That is, it’s safe to say, not going to happen.

    At this point Mr Kasich’s strategy seems to be to garner as many delegates as he can, do his best to keep Donald Trump from winning the nomination outright and take the battle to the floor of the convention.

    For Kasich, convention chaos isn’t a pit; it’s a ladder.

  2. Donald Trump addresses supporters after three wins

    Donald Trump

    Donald Trump is giving a victory speech in Florida at his own Mar-a-Lago resort. He just commended his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, who a reporter has accused of grabbing her violently, and his family. He decried American companies moving out of the country, and said the terrorist attacks in Paris "changed everything", before quickly launching into the importance of better trade deals and a stronger border. He said the US will "knock the hell out of" the so-called Islamic State.

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  3. Bernie Sanders reassures supporters

    Bernie Sanders is keeping with his campaign themes despite losing in Florida, Ohio and North Carolina tonight.

    Bernie Sanders
  4. With victory speech, John Kasich has some lighter moments

    John Kasich's victory speech featured some quirky moments - he went all out of confetti, promised to campaign in a covered wagon and maybe overstated the length of his trek to the Republican convention. 

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  5. Kasich gives victory speech in Ohio

    John Kasich

    John Kasich is addressing supporters in his home state of Ohio. He thanked Marco Rubio for running his campaign and dealt with a Donald Trump-supporting protester before citing his record in Ohio.

    "We are leaving no one behind," he said. 

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  6. Confident Kasich camp: 'Whole New Ballgame'

    John Kasich's campaign sends out a memo saying the win in Ohio makes the election a "whole new ballgame" and that Mr Kasich is the only candidate who can "overcome the Donald Trump insult machine".

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