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Live Reporting

Edited by Jamie Whitehead and Sam Hancock

All times stated are UK

  1. Judge listing factors in his decision

    The judge is now listing some of the factors in his decision, which includes a discussion of the legal guidelines for crimes such as hers, which were updated recently.

  2. Barton's time in custody 'tougher' due to cancer treatment

    Jacob's mother Gemma Barton is being sentenced now.

    Mr Justice Kerr says he has taken into account psychiatric reports which, among other things, found she had a history of mental disorder and she was susceptible to "manipulation and coercion".

    Kerr continues, saying Craig Crouch manipulated Barton with "coercive and controlling behaviour".

    He says there is "ample evidence" of that. He acknowledges that Barton's time in custody has been tougher due to the fact she's been treated for breast cancer during that period.

  3. Find support on BBC Action Line website

    We know this is an extremely distressing case.

    If you, or someone you know, needs help after reading about it, the details of organisations offering assistance can be found on the BBC Action Line website.

  4. Crouch gets minimum 28 years for murdering baby Jacob

    Alex Homer

    Reporting from Derby Crown Court

    Craig Crouch will be sentenced to life for murder.

    The minimum term is the time Craig Crouch will serve in prison before the parole board will consider his release on licence.

    The judge, Mr Justice Tim Kerr, took into consideration the murder charge and three child cruelty charges of which Craig Crouch was found guilty by the jury.

    The minimum term was set at 28 years for murder.

  5. BreakingCrouch's sentence handed down by judge

    Craig Crouch sentenced to life with a minimum of 28 years for the murder of Jacob Crouch before he is eligible for parole.

  6. Crouch inflicted pain on Jacob over about seven months - judge

    The judge continues to list what he says are the factors that have gone into his decision to determine how long Crouch will be sentenced.

    One of those, he says, is that "over about seven months" Crouch inflicted pain and suffering onto "this little baby".

    The judge goes onto indicate a starting point for Crouch's sentencing is 30 years, given the seriousness of the offence.

    "You are in some ways an unlikely murderer," Mr Justice Kerr says, given Crouch's lack of a history of issues such as drug or alcohol addiction.

    He then says these are limited mitigation and reduces his minimum jail term by two years.

  7. Crouch used 'lies and bullying tactics' against Barton

    Mr Justice Kerr lists the aggravating factors he is taking into account in Crouch's sentence.

    Jacob's age and vulnerability is the first. Crouch abused Jacob's trust, as he was wholly dependent on the adults around him, Kerr says.

    That Crouch did not seek medical assistance for Jacob, knowing how "gravely" injured he was is another factor.

    Finally, that Crouch used "lies and bullying tactics" against Barton to convince her he wasn't mistreating her son

  8. Crouch must serve life sentence for murder

    We are now moving onto sentences.

    For Craig Crouch, who was found guilty of murder, the judge says he must be handed a life sentence but first he needs to consider the seriousness of the offence and the minimum period Crouch will serve.

    This is the minimum term Crouch must serve before his case can be reviewed by the parole board to consider if he can be released on licence.

    Craig Crouch
  9. Judge's remarks are sometimes being cut

    Don't forget that you can watch the judge's remarks by pressing the Play button above.

    But for legal reasons, or to avoid graphic descriptions, sometimes the feed will be suspended for a few moments.

  10. No doubt Barton failed to protect her child - judge

    Mr Justice Kerr is going over the counts that Crouch and Barton were convicted of earlier this week.

    He says the pair both attempted to hide the truth about the night of Jacob's killing, in order to protect themselves.

    Addressing Barton, he says there is "no doubt" she failed to protect her child from his stepfather, when she should have been aware of the risk Crouch posed to Jacob.

  11. Neither Crouch nor Barton sought medical help

    The judge says he is sure Barton was aware of the assault that led to Jacob's death but did nothing to stop it.

    He says neither she nor Crouch sought medical help and the 10-month-old died as a result.

  12. Post update

    Mr Justice Kerr

    Mr Justice Kerr says Crouch assumed the role of Jacob's father.

    The court feed cuts out again, resuming as the judge tells Crouch he is "sure" he caused the bruises seen on Jacob.

    He goes on to list some of the injuries that Jacob suffered, which we've gone through in earlier posts.

    These include "about 40 rib fractures", Mr Justice Kerr says.

  13. Barton was meek and submissive - judge

    The judge is now taking us through the relationship between Craig Crouch and Gemma Barton, who met in September 2019 when she was four months pregnant with Jacob.

    Mr Justice Kerr accepts they fell in love, but Crouch was dominant and aggressive. He says Barton was "meek and submissive" in her "misplaced affection".

    He also lists some of the "implausible lies" Crouch told Barton when they met - including that he regularly met the prime minister and earned a high salary.

    Gemma Barton
  14. Defendants listen to the judge's remarks

    Alex Homer

    Reporting from Derby Crown Court

    Gemma Barton continues to stare at the floor with her hand shaking, pausing to wipe tears with a tissue.

    Craig Crouch stares straight ahead, showing no emotion.

  15. The feed of the judge's remarks may cut out

    You can watch the judge's remarks by pressing the Play button above.

    Remember - for legal reasons, or to avoid graphic descriptions, sometimes the feed will be suspended for a few moments.

  16. The pain caused by his death will go on for many years to come - judge

    Mr Justice Kerr says he and the jury have had to see many distressing pictures of Jacob after being abused.

    He says Jacob was a happy, smiling baby - who never complained about the treatment he received.

    For the wider family, the pain caused by his death will go on for many years to come.

    It is "nothing less than tragic" that Jacob will never become a boy and then a man, Mr Justice Kerr goes on to say.

    Undated handout photo issued by Derbyshire Constabulary of Jacob Crouch
  17. Defendants told to remain seated ahead of sentencing

    Alex Homer

    Reporting from Derby Crown Court

    The defendants have been brought back in to the dock ahead of sentencing.

    Gemma Barton is wearing a green top and white cardigan and Craig Crouch is wearing an open-collar grey long sleeve shirt and grey waistcoat.

    The Judge, Mr Justice Tim Kerr has told the defendants to remain seated.

  18. Court footage cuts out for legal reasons

    The judge, Mr Justice Kerr, has begun his proceedings.

    The cameras have quickly cut out for legal reasons.

  19. Judge returns to court to hand down sentence

    Mr Justice Kerr has returned to the bench and the hearing has now resumed.

    Shortly we are expecting the judge to hand down his sentences to both Craig Crouch and Gemma Barton.

    You can watch his remarks by pressing the Play button above.

    Remember - for legal reasons, or to avoid graphic descriptions, sometimes the feed will be suspended for a few moments.

  20. Watch: Police statement issued after verdicts

    Det Insp Paul Bullock of Derbyshire Constabulary gave a statement on Wednesday, shortly after Craig Crouch was found guilty of Jacob’s murder and Gemma Barton of causing or allowing the death of her son.

    “Jacob Crouch was born into a culture of cruelty where both of the people who he should have been able to trust above any other allowed him to be subjected to assault after assault,” Bullock told the press outside Derby Crown Court.

    He added that, as a father, he couldn’t “comprehend what happened behind closed doors” and said his thoughts were with the 10-month-old’s wider family “who have been left devastated by his death”.

    Watch the statement in full below:

    Video content

    Video caption: Jacob Crouch: Murdered baby 'born into a culture of cruelty'