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  1. City Hall closed during climate strike

    Bethan Evans

    News editor, BBC West

    Bristol City Council has confirmed it has closed City Hall today for safeguarding reasons.

    A complaint was made on Twitter that the premises should be open during the climate strike at College Green today, which will be attended by activist Greta Thunberg.

    The council replied to say it has social workers and educational psychologists based at City Hall today to "help and support vulnerable adults and children" and that was their "priority".

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  2. Why has Greta chosen Bristol?

    Greta Thunberg

    Bristol has a history of campaigning for sustainability and in the 1970s and 1980s some of the UK's leading environmental charities chose to base themselves here.

    The city was European Green Capital in 2015 and the council was one of the first in the UK to declare a climate emergency.

    They have pledged to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 40% by 2020 and 80% by 2050 and recently also declared an ecological emergency.

    Many of the founder members of the national activist network Extinction Rebellion are from this part of the world as well as the head offices for Sustrans, City to Sea, the Bristol Community Energy Fund and the Bristol Energy Cooperative.

    XR protesters in Bristol
  3. Greta will not be visiting her mural, former mayor says

    Chris Kelly

    Digital Editor, BBC West

    If you're wondering what the mural at the top of the page is - it's one that was painted of Greta in the Southville area of Bristol.

    She was due to visit it later, but former mayor George Ferguson has confirmed that this will now not happen.

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  4. Early protesters arrive at College Green

    Bethan Evans

    News editor, BBC West

    Protesters are starting to gather at College Green, ready for the arrival of Greta Thunberg.

    Thousands are expected to attend the Bristol Youth Strike 4 Climate (BYS4C) today to hear the 17-year-old speak.

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  5. The stage has started to appear on College Green

    Chris Kelly

    Digital Editor, BBC West

    It's very wet outside - as you can see from this photo from College Green.

    This will be the location of the stage where Greta Thunberg is due to speak later this morning.

    For those that don't know Bristol, the area is between the council's City Hall building and Bristol Cathedral. It's just off the centre, and close to the harbourside.

    College Green
  6. Disruption expected in Bristol as thousands arrive for Greta

    Polly March

    BBC Online News, West of England

    Road signs on A4

    Welcome to coverage of the visit of climate activist Greta Thunberg to Bristol.

    Significant disruption is expected around the city centre after the decision was made to close about a dozen roads.

    Park Street and the city centre is to be closed soon to help manage safety at the event.

    First Bristol is also diverting many services from 09:00 with roads expected to remain closed until 17:00.

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