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Live Reporting

Maria Zaccaro, Dan Kerins and Nathan Briant

All times stated are UK

  1. Boris Johnson 'still right man' to lead Tories - leader

    Southampton Conservative leader Daniel Fitzhenry has said he believes Boris Johnson is still the "right man" to run the Conservative Party.

    Speaking to the BBC after the Tories lost control of Southampton City Council, he said the Prime Minister is "getting on with the job" and people "need to support him".

    "We won last year based on the fact that Boris can communicate with an electorate that we have not been able to communicate with before," Mr Fitzhenry said.

    Last year the Conservatives took control of Southampton City Council after nine years.

    But they lost it to Labour in this year's elections.

    "I think the Prime Minister has done the best he can, he has apologised, he's getting on with the job and we need to support him," Mr Fitzhenry added.

  2. Council leader slams 'false promises'

    West Oxfordshire District Council's Conservative leader Michele Mead said there are multiple reasons to explain why her party had lost control of the authority.

    She alleged other parties had made "false promises" and that national politics had also had an impact on the Tories losing the council to no overall control.

    "I think the majority of it was a protest vote, I really do. I think that everyone in my party worked extremely hard and a lot of false promises made by opposition parties and national politics meant people voted [against the Conservatives]," she said.

    It is expected the Lib Dems, Labour and the Greens will look to form a coalition to run the council.

  3. Election results at a glance

    There's been a lot of activity overnight, so here are the highlights at a glance:

    • Labour have won back Southampton, a year after losing it to the Conservatives.
    • The Tories have lost West Oxfordshire to no overall control.
    • Portsmouth and Hart remain as no overal control.
    • Oxford is still Labour run, albeit with a smaller majority.
    • Eastleigh remains as a Lib Dem stronghold
    • Fareham and Rushmoor are still run by the Tories.
  4. Cost of living crisis key factor in Southampton results - council leader

    Satvir Kaur speaking to the BBC

    People's trust in Prime Minister Boris Johnson has "completely dissipated", the new council leader in Southampton said.

    Speaking soon after it was confirmed that Labour won back control of Southampton City Council, Satvir Kaur said the cost of living crisis was one of the main reasons that made people vote Labour.

    She said city residents are struggling with rising costs and the stories she heard on the doorstep are "heart-breaking".

    "They want the government to do more and feel as that they can, but they are choosing not to. The trust in Boris Johnson has completely dissipated," she added.

    She also highlighted local issues, such as crime and a lack of police officers.

  5. BreakingLabour retains control in Oxford

    Labour has comfortably retained control of Oxford City Council - but have lost some ground to other parties.

    Half of the council's 48 seats were up for election on Thursday. Labour won 15, the Greens four, the Liberal Democrats four and an independent won one other.

    It means the council is now made up of 32 Labour councillors, nine Liberal Democrats, six Greens and one independent.

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  6. 'Crime big issue for Sotonians' - new council leader

    Crime, especially anti-social behaviour and drug use, are some of the issues that affected how Southampton residents voted in this year's election, the new council leader said.

    Labour councillor Satvir Kaur, who will be leading Southampton City Council, said there were a number of reasons for her party's victory.

    But she said the way the Conservatives dealt with crime was one of those.

    Speaking to BBC News she said: "Hampshire lost 700 police officers in recent years and we haven't had that back and crime is really high and people do not feel safe and feel it has got worse under this Conservative government and PCC."

  7. How Southampton was won

    After just a year in charge, the Conservatives have lost control of Southampton City Council back to Labour.

    Not only that, but the city also has its first Lib Dem councillor in 11 years.

    Southampton local election results chart
  8. 'We don't know our electorate' - Tory MP

    Southampton Itchen MP Royston Smith has said the Conservatives in Southampton need to better understand the demographics of the city.

    His remarks come as the Tories appear to have lost control of the city council, after just one year.

    As we've been reporting, Mr Smith said the cost of living crisis was one of the main reasons for the results, and that the PM and chancellor needed to do more to help people.

    But he also added that the demographics of the city have changed.

    Speaking to BBC News he said: "I don't think we know our new electorate very well and we need to respond to their needs. Things have changed."

  9. Tories losing votes in West Oxfordshire

    Claire Starr

    BBC Radio Oxford - Political Reporter

    It has been a slow count in West Oxfordshire but it is clear that the Conservatives have been losing votes.

    Some seats that they've held onto, they've held in single figures - four or five votes.

    They meant recounts that we've had to wait for.

    We understand the Conservatives will not have control of the council but they have some options. There are some independents - one of them is a former Tory.

    Witney count
    Image caption: The count at Windrush Leisure Centre in Witney
  10. BreakingCost of living crisis behind Tories' losses in Southampton - MP

    Royston Smitn on BBC News
    Image caption: Royston Smith on BBC News

    The cost of living crisis has been blamed for the elections results in Southampton, a city MP said.

    We are still waiting for the final results to be announced.

    But the Conservatives appear to have lost control of Southampton City Council.

    Conservative MP Royston Smith, who represents Southampton Itchen, has told the BBC the cost of living crisis is one of the reasons for today's results.

    He said it was the main issue that came up on the doorstep.

    Mr Smith launched a message to the Prime Minister and the Chancellor saying more needs to be done to help people cope with the rising costs.

  11. Deputy leader loses seat in West Oxfordshire

    West Oxfordshire District Council's Conservative deputy leader David Harvey has lost his seat to Labour in Witney South.

    Mr Harvey has been a councillor on the authority since 1998.

    Michael Brooker will replace him on the council.

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  12. Tories lose another seat in Southampton

    Another Conservative cabinet member in Southampton has lost his seat.

    Labour gained Millbrook ward, meaning that Councillor Steven Galton - who was cabinet member environment - has lost his seat.

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  13. Labour threatening Tory control of Southampton

    Professor Sir John Curtice

    Polling expert

    With about a third of the wards in Southampton declared, there's been a swing of seven percentage points from the Conservatives to Labour. If this continues, Labour should take control of the city.

    This is one of the few councils that the Tories appear to be at serious risk of losing.

  14. So far in Southampton

    Results in Southampton have been coming in thick and fast.

    Let's look at what we know so far.

    The Conservatives have lost three seats of the seven they were defending. They only had a majority of one on the council going into this election.

    Two have gone to Labour and one to Lib Dem.

    In Bitterne Park, Labour have made a gain, having not had a seat there since the new wards were brought in in 2002.

    The Lib Dem gain was in Basset, where the Greens did a deal not to put up a candidate asking for their voters to vote Lib Dem.

    Of the 17 seats up for grabs, nine have been declared so far.

  15. First Lib Dem councillor elected in Southampton after years

    A Liberal Democrats councillor has been elected in Southampton for the first time in 11 years.

    Richard Blackman is the newly elected councillor for Bassett ward.

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