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Live Reporting

Edited by Emily McGarvey

All times stated are UK

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  1. Campaign groups welcome ban after 'skyrocketing' attacks

    We've now got some reaction from campaign groups about the announcement that American XL bully dogs are set to be banned in the UK.

    In a joint statement, Bully Watch, the Campaign for Evidence Based Regulation of Dangerous Dogs (CEBRDD) and Protect Our Pets have welcomed the ban, saying such animals are a "clear and present threat to public health".

    Lawrence Newport, of CEBRDD, says the importing of the American bully has led to "skyrocketing deaths and attacks".

    "This ban will finally allow the government and police to act, before another child or pet is ripped apart," he adds.

  2. How many people die because of dog bites?

    Lucy Gilder

    BBC Verify

    • Hospital admissions for dog bites have gradually increased over the past 15 years
    • In 2022 there were 8,819 admissions to hospital in England with dog bites, compared with 4,699 in 2007
    • Ten people in England and Wales died because of dog bite injuries in 2022
    • Four dog breeds are banned in the UK: pit bull terriers, Japanese Tosas, Dogo Argentinos and Fila Brasileiros
    • Dogs that share physical characteristics to banned breeds – such as cross breeds – are also banned
    • Owning a banned dog can result in an unlimited fine and a prison sentence of up to six months
    • In 2022 there were 482 sentences given to owners of dangerously out of control dogs which resulted in an injury to a person in public
  3. Have questions? Send them to us

    Dulcie Lee

    Live reporter

    A banner which says 'get in touch' on the left and 'your questions answered' on the right

    Rishi Sunak's plan to ban American XL bully dogs has thrown up plenty of questions - not least here in the newsroom.

    Following a spate of dog attacks, there's a lot of debate about what's the best thing to do.

    Undoubtedly those with such dogs will be worried about the future of their pets too. We're assembling experts now to answer your questions, so do send them to us.

    Get in touch via:

    In some cases a selection of your comments and questions will be published, displaying your name and location as you provide it unless you state otherwise. And don't worry, your contact details will never be published.

  4. Man arrested for manslaughter after Stonnall dog attack

    A 30-year-old man who was arrested yesterday following a fatal attack by two dogs on a man in Stonnall has been further arrested on suspicion of manslaughter.

    The man, from the Lichfield area, was originally arrested on suspicion of having dogs dangerously out of control.

  5. BreakingDogs in fatal Stonnall attack believed to be XL bullies - police

    Staffordshire Police say the two dogs involved in a fatal attack in Stonnall are believed to be XL bully dogs.

    One of the dogs has died after being restrained and the other has died after an injection was given by a vet, police confirm.

    "Further tests are being carried out today to determine their breed," they say in a statement.

  6. Defra has been working on plans to ban American bully XLs

    Jessica Parker


    A government source tells me the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs "has been working on plans to outlaw this type of dog and the secretary of state is convening experts to define the breed for the purposes of banning it".

  7. Staffordshire death a suspected XL bully attack, says PM

    In his video message, Rishi Sunak mentioned yesterday's dog attack in Staffordshire, where a man died from multiple injuries from two dogs.

    While police have not yet confirmed the breed of the dogs involved, the PM suggested American XL bully dogs may have been responsible.

    "Yesterday we saw another suspected XL bully dog attack which has tragically led to a fatality," he said.

    When we get confirmation on the type of dogs involved in the attack, we'll bring it to you.

  8. Banning bully XLs not the solution - animal groups

    We're yet to hear from some of the largest animal groups about Rishi Sunak's announcement - but the Dog Control Coalition, a group including RSPCA, Battersea Dogs Home and the Royal Kennel Club, has previously said banning specific breeds is not the solution.

    Instead, they point to "irresponsible breeding, rearing and ownership".

    Their comments followed a recent attack on an 11-year-old girl by an American bully XL sparked a debate about banning certain dogs.

    Ana Paun
    Image caption: Ana Paun was seriously injured in the attack in Birmingham on Saturday
  9. What is the American bully XL?

    American Bully XXL
    Image caption: American bullies XL dogs are expected to be banned in the UK by the end of the year

    While the UK doesn't currently recognise the American bully XL as a specific breed, the US does.

    American bullies are said to have originated in the US in the late 1980s, when American pit bull terriers and American Staffordshire terriers were crossed.

    They have been crossed with other breeds to create an even more muscular dog and there are four variations: standard, pocket, classic and XL.

    According to campaign group Bully Watch, the breed first appeared in the UK "around 2014 or 2015", with numbers growing rapidly during the pandemic.

  10. American bully XLs will be banned by end of year - PM

    The prime minister says American bully XL dogs will be banned by the end of the year, after the work is done to define the breed.

  11. This isn't about badly trained dogs - Sunak

    American bully XL dogs are "a danger to our communities", particularly children, says Rishi Sunak in a video posted on X (formerly Twitter).

    He says he "shares the nation's horror" regarding videos of recent dog attacks, including yesterday's incident which "tragically led to a fatality".

    "It's clear this is not about a handful of badly trained dogs, it's a pattern of behaviour and it cannot go on," Sunak says.

    Owners have a responsibility to keep their dogs under control, the PM says, as he explains the government is urgently working on ways to stop these attacks and keep people safe.

  12. BreakingSunak orders work to ban American bully XL dogs

    Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has just announced that he's ordered urgent work to define and ban American bully XL dogs in light of the recent spate of attacks, "so we can end these violent attacks and keep people safe".

    He says it's not currently a breed defined in law, adding this "vital first step must happen, fast".

    "We will then ban the breed under the Dangerous Dogs Act."

  13. Man had multiple life-threatening injuries - ambulance service

    Scene of attack

    West Midlands Ambulance service said paramedics and the air ambulance were first called to Main Street at 15:12 BST.

    “Upon arrival we found a man who had sustained multiple life-threatening injuries and was in a critical condition," said a spokesperson.

    “Ambulance staff administered advanced life support and advanced trauma care to him at the scene.

    “Treatment continued en-route to Queen Elizabeth Hospital where he was conveyed by land ambulance for further treatment.

    "Unfortunately, after arrival at hospital, despite the best efforts it became clear that nothing more could be done to save him he was confirmed deceased.”

  14. What we know so far

    scene of attack
    • The attack by two dogs happened near a school on Main Street, Stonnall near Walsall on Thursday afternoon
    • The victim sustained multiple injuries and later died at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham
    • Officers arrested a 30-year-old from Lichfield on suspicion of having dogs dangerously out of control
    • Children at nearby St Peter's Primary Academy were stopped from leaving for "safety reasons"
    • On Thursday, police said the breed of the animals was still being established
  15. BreakingMan attacked by two dogs dies

    Vanessa Pearce

    BBC News

    A man left in a critical condition after being attacked by two dogs in Staffordshire has died.

    Stay with us for the latest.