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Live Reporting

All times stated are UK

  1. 'Don't throw batteries in the bin'

    People are being warned not to throw batteries away with household waste following fire at a recycling.

    The Wrekenton recycling centre in Gateshead was closed after a serious fire which it is thought might have been caused by a battery.

    Last week a fire in South Shields was started by sparks from a phone battery which had been thrown into the waste.

    Marc Morley, from Gateshead Council, said: “Two fires in as many weeks show the very real dangers of throwing old phone or laptop batteries into the bin.

    “These types of batteries can hold a surprisingly powerful charge and when they are thrown into a bin there is a serious risk that they could be damaged and touch something metal, like the inside of the bin lorry or even an empty tin can. This is known to generate sparks which can ignite everything around it."

    Fire at Campgound site on March 1st
  2. Three arrested in city centre demonstration

    Three people were arrested in Newcastle as hundreds took part in a demonstration on Sunday, despite lockdown restrictions

    The action was to highlight the issue of violence against women, and opposing a bill being debated in Parliament which would give police more powers to curb public protests.

    Demonstrators carried signs criticising the government and the police.

    Newcastle demonstration in City Centre

    The march began in the city centre, before moving to the civic centre and Exhibition Park.

    It was largely peaceful but two men were issued with a summons under coronavirus legislation while a woman was arrested and issued with a warning for possession of cannabis.

    Newcastle demonstration march

    A Northumbria Police spokesperson said: "Ensuring the safety of the public is our utmost priority and [the] protests in Newcastle passed without incident.

    "Under the current Covid legislation, protests are not exempt from the restrictions due the risk that large gatherings pose to public safety.

    "There was an increased police presence in the city to deliver a proportionate policing response to any activity taking place."

    Police at demonstration