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Live Reporting

All times stated are UK

  1. Latest mass vaccination centre opens in Northumberland

    Another large vaccination centre has opened in the region.

    It's at Hexham Mart and will be able to vaccinate up to 800 people a day and is open from 08:00 to 20:00.

    Northumberland's director of public heath, Liz Morgan, said: "People living in our rural communities have opted not to go to the Centre for Life in Newcastle, preferring to wait for their GP to contact them because for many people it's a long way for them to travel and not everyone has a car, so being able to provide access like this is a really important step forward."

    Helen Anderson receives her Covid jab

    Among the first people receiving the vaccine was Helen Anderson (pictured above) who's seven months pregnant with her third child, and said it was good to get the jab close to home: "You can fit it into how your life works with school runs and it cuts down on the travel time, so it's much better to be local."

    There are eight other mass vaccination centres in operation across the North East and Cumbria, at Nightingale Centres, football grounds, sports and shopping centres, as well as at Penrith auction mart.

    Inside the Hexham Mart vaccine centre
  2. Video content

    Video caption: Durham Police therapy dog Ben to help officers' mental health

    It is hoped the four-legged recruit's calming presence will encourage staff to open up.

  3. Video content

    Video caption: Wallsend street flooded with rats, faeces and sewage

    Footage shows the dead animals and mess all over a street in Wallsend following heavy rain.