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Live Reporting

Tori Watson and Robin Sheeran

All times stated are UK

  1. 'Bill must be part of a broader strategy for transformation'

    Pam Cameron

    Pam Cameron is deputy chair of the Health Committee.

    The DUP MLA says the public consultation found that the current arrangements are "not lean or agile enough to respond quickly to the changing demands within health and social care".

    She says the changes proposed in the bill "must be part of a broader strategy for transformation. On its own this restructuring will not resolve the problems facing our health sector".

  2. 'Simplify the administration structures'

    Colm Gildernew is the chair of the Health Committee and has the opportunity to comment on the bill first.

    He says the aim of the bill is to “simplify the administration structures”.

    The committee wants to see transformation taken forward, says Mr Gildernew, before outlining the committee’s consideration of the bill.

    Colm Gildernew

    In his role as Sinn Féin Health spokesperson, Mr Gildernew says the bill “promises to make a more effective and efficient healthcare system”.

    He adds thats the bill is a wider part of the transformational agenda, but says there must be clear lines of accountability.

  3. 'Bill facilitates closure of Health and Social Care Board'

    Robin Swann

    Robin Swann opens the debate on the bill.

    He explains that the intention of the bill is simple: "To facilitate the closure of the Health and Social Care Board and transfer responsibility for its functions in the main to my department."

    The health minister says the closure of the board was first announced "some five years ago".

    Mr Swann says the current system is "complex, bureaucratic and no longer meets the needs of today's society".

    He runs through the "essential elements" of this "relatively small bill, technical in nature, with seven clauses and three schedules".

    "It is a step that will enable us to better focus our resource and enable the system to operate more effectively and efficiently, and I think we can all agree that that need has never been greater," the minister concludes.

  4. Plenary session opens to the public

    Robin Swann speaking in chamber

    The Speaker of the House, Alex Maskey, brings members to order.

    Some MLAs are joining proceedings by video link, in keeping with social distancing guidelines.

    He runs through some general housekeeping before moving members to the first item of business.

    It's a debate on the second stage of the Health and Social Care Bill.

    Robin Swann, the Health Minister, is in the chamber to move the motion and start the debate.

  5. What's on the agenda today?

  6. Good morning


    Welcome to live coverage of Tuesday's business at the Northern Ireland Assembly.

    MLAs will be debating the second stage of the Health and Social Care Bill this morning.

    At 14:00, Health Minister Robin Swann will be at the lectern for Question Time.

    DUP MLAs will bring a motion on Welfare Support to the chamber, while Sinn Féin will bring a motion on Support for Students.

    The assembly meets at 10:30. Do stay with us.