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Live Reporting

Aiden James, Victoria King, Pippa Simm, Alex Hunt, Gavin Stamp and Tom Moseley

All times stated are UK

  1. Theresa May on free movement and the rights of EU citizens in the UK

    Carole Walker

    Political correspondent

    Theresa May

    Prime Minister Theresa May has again said she wants to protect the rights of EU citizens in the UK, providing the rights of UK citizens in EU countries are also protected.

    Speaking in Bratislava after meeting the Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico, she said: "I've been clear I expect to be able to guarantee and protect the rights of Slovak citizens and other EU citizens living in the UK and would intend to be able to protect those rights." 

    She said the only circumstances when that might not be possible would be "if the rights of British citizens living and working  in other parts of EU not protected."

    Mrs May said the two leaders had discussed the matter over lunch and "that concept of reciprocity is recognised". The PM said there had been a very clear message from the Brexit vote that people "did not want free movement to continue as it had done previously and do  want some control over the movement of citizens from the EU to the UK". 

    She said "we will be looking to deliver that in our negotiations as well as looking for the best possible deal in trade and goods and services". She said she wanted to see "smooth and orderly" negotiations leading to a "smooth and orderly" exit from the EU and the maximum economic benefit for the UK when it has left.

  2. Kinnock claims he sought nominations rather than 'hide behind incumbency'

    Neil Kinnock and Jeremy Corbyn

    Earlier on BBC News, Labour supporter Peter Edwards compared the current Labour leadership contest to Tony Benn's challenge to leader Neil Kinnock in 1988.

    In a recent article for the New Statesman, Lord Kinnock looked back on when "some of his MPs – including Jeremy Corbyn – tried to oust him", as the magazine puts it.

    The article suggests that it was an understood as "the rules" at the time that anyone, including the incumbent, had to obtain nominations from MPs:

    Quote Message: I asked Robin Cook (my campaign manager in the 1983 leadership election) to do the same job again. He instantly agreed. When we met to discuss practicalities, the question was raised whether I, as existing leader, needed to obtain MPs' nominations. The decision was made in seconds: 'That’s the rules, and anyway, I’m not going to hide behind incumbency.'"
  3. Owen Smith: Court has done the right thing

    Commenting on the decision to keep Jeremy Corbyn on the ballot paper, Labour leadership candidate Owen Smith said:

    Quote Message: I'm pleased the court has done the right thing and ruled that Jeremy should be on the ballot. This now puts to bed any questions about the process, so we can get on with discussing the issues that really matter. I'm getting on with the job of talking to Labour members and supporters, and am looking forward to debating with Jeremy as often as possible about our plans for Labour's future. I will take every opportunity to set out my ideas for a radical Labour Party that can replace failed Tory austerity with a plan for prosperity."
  4. Ruling is a victory of common sense over chaos, says Labour supporter

    BBC News Channel

    Peter Edwards

    Peter Edwards of the website LabourList has said he didn't think there "could be any other outcome" to the High Court case.

    Speaking to BBC News earlier, Mr Edwards accepted there was a contrast with the 1988 leadership challenge by Tony Benn, when Neil Kinnock obtained MPs' nominations despite being the existing leader.

    Mr Edwards said the question was: "Should a champion be allowed to defend their title?" He argued it would be "crazy" if Mr Corbyn could not.

    "We've had the NEC's view validated," he said. This was "common sense" and the alternative would have been "chaos".

  5. 'The judge accepted that the decision of the NEC was correct'

    Lawyers for Labour's national executive committee and Jeremy Corbyn argued that the requirement in the election rules for a leadership candidate to obtain nominations from MPs applies to "potential challengers" and not to the leader.

    The summary of the judgement reads: "The judge said that he believed 'that this would be the natural impression that [the words of the rule] would make on the ordinary, objective member of the Labour Party to whom… the rules are in effect addressed'.

    "Accordingly, the judge accepted that the decision of the NEC was correct and that Mr Corbyn was entitled to be a candidate in the forthcoming election without the need for nominations.

    "The judge emphasised that the court’s decision was a narrow point of law and was wholly unaffected by political considerations."

    You can read the High Court's ruling here.

  6. Judge awards costs to defendants

    Chris Mason

    Political Correspondent

    Mr Justice Foskett said he will "award both defendants their costs".

    This means Michael Foster has to pay Jeremy Corbyn's legal costs and the Labour Party's costs.

  7. Labour donor Michael Foster will not appeal High Court decision

    Ellie Price

    Daily and Sunday Politics reporter

    Michael Foster

    Michael Foster, the Labour donor who this afternoon lost his High Court bid against Labour's decision to guarantee Jeremy Corbyn was on a leadership ballot, says he will not appeal against the judge's decision.

    He told the BBC:

    Quote Message: We wanted the courts to adjudicate on the rules. They have."
  8. 'We need to address British concerns on free movement' - May

    "We need to find a solution that addresses the concerns of the British people about free movement while getting the best possible deal on trade in goods and services," Theresa May says.

    "We should be driven by what is in the best interests of the UK and what is going to work for the European Union, not by the models that already exist."

    The prime minister adds that the UK is committed to Nato defence of Eastern Europe.

    Asked by the BBC what Brexit means for Slovakian citizens living in the UK, Theresa May repeats an answer she gave in Rome on Wednesday: that she expects to be able to guarantee EU citizens their rights to stay in the UK. The only circumstances under which that might not happen is if UK citizens in other EU states are not given reciprocal guarantees.

  9. May claims Brexit is an 'opportunity to intensify' relations with neighbours

    Theresa May and Robert Fico

    Theresa May says she wants to "ensure an orderly departure" from the EU. Echoing what she has said in other European capitals recently, she says the UK is "not leaving Europe or withdrawing from the world".

    She says the UK will "remain a strong voice for free market principles and liberal, democratic values" and, while still in the EU, will "continue to be an active player" in advancing the single market and security co-operation.

    And she claims that "Brexit is an opportunity to intensify" relations with European partners.

  10. Slovak PM: EU states must offer 'new vision'

    Theresa May and Robert Fico

    Theresa May and Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico address the media in Bratislava.

    Mr Fico says he expects the UK to take some time before triggering Article 50 to leave the EU while Slovakia, which holds the rotating EU presidency aims "to make the best use of the time" to "redefine" the future for the remaining 27 member states.

    He argues that the EU has to offer a new vision or risk a "fragmentation" of European political institutions.

    And he claims that "the European Union seems to be falling in love with itself" and many regions of the world seem to be "further ahead of us".

  11. Watch: Boris Johnson delivers message in French

    Video content

    Video caption: Boris Johnson message to the French (in French)

    British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said the UK wanted to remain "as close as possible to our allies, most particularly France" in a joint press conference in Paris with his counterpart Jean-Marc Ayrault.

  12. Jeremy Corbyn says High Court case was 'a waste of time'

    Quote Message: I welcome the decision by the High Court to respect the democracy of the Labour Party. This has been a waste of time and resources when our party should be focused on holding the government to account. There should have been no question of the right of half a million Labour Party members to choose their own leader being overturned. If anything, the aim should be to expand the number of voters in this election. I hope all candidates and supporters will reject any attempt to prolong this process, and that we can now proceed with the election in a comradely and respectful manner."
  13. Involvement of High Court in Labour leadership battle shows extent of infighting

    BBC News Channel

    Ellie Price

    Labour donor Michael Foster has lost his High Court bid to overturn the Labour Party's decision to guarantee Jeremy Corbyn a place on the leadership ballot.

    BBC political reporter Ellie Price says this means "the status quo" will be maintained, with Jeremy Corbyn and Owen Smith going head-to-head in a ballot of party members.

    If Mr Foster had won his case, Ellie adds, Mr Corbyn might have found it difficult to get the backing of 50 Labour MPs and MEPs in order to get on to the ballot paper.

    "We're talking about a leadership campaign here, and I'm standing outside the High Court," she says. It shows how serious the matter is for Labour and the extent of the infighting inside the party, she adds.

  14. BreakingHigh Court rejects challenge to Corbyn ballot inclusion

    High Court rejects a challenge to Jeremy Corbyn's automatic inclusion on Labour's leadership ballot.

  15. Watch: Boris Johnson says (in French) the UK wants to stay as close as possible to France

    Video content

    Video caption: Boris Johnson message to the French (in French)
  16. Boris Johnson: UK wants to remain as close as possible to European allies

    Boris Johnson says he and Mr Ayrault agreed in their talks that Daesh - or IS - poses a "direct threat" to both countries.

    "We are clear that Daesh does not represent Islam." he said, adding that France and the UK are playing "a leading role in the global coalition committed to defeating them".

    "We will win."

    On Brexit, the foreign secretary reiterates that the UK's vote to leave the EU "does not mean that we will be leaving Europe", and says the UK wishes to be "as close as possible" to its allies - "most particularly France" - throughout "the forthcoming years".

    He finishes by thanking Mr Ayrault, and says they have already started to develop "a close, co-operative relationship". He says he hopes it may continue "while we face many challenges ahead together, as friends and allies".

  17. Boris Johnson: UK stands in solidarity with France

    Boris Johnson - who is speaking in French - says the UK and France have a unique relationship dating back centuries. "At this moment that relationship becomes even more important," he adds.

    He acknowledges the "difficult moment" France finds itself in at the moment and says the UK stands "in solidarity". The threats the two countries face - and the values they use to confront them - "are the same", he adds.

  18. UK and France 'united in historic ties of friendship and co-operation'

    Jean-Marc Ayrault says France and the UK are "united with historic ties of friendship and co-operation".

    He also says the two countries play very important roles on the international scene - both are members of the UN Security Council and work together in the G7, G20 and Nato, he adds.

    Referring to today's talks, the French minister says they devoted a lot of their time to discussing the situation in Syria and to "strengthen our fight against Daesh" - also referred to as the Islamic State group.

    He says the UK and France will continue to work together side by side, adding that "whatever our vision of the future of EUrope we have joint struggles and common values".

  19. UK and France committed to fighting terrorism - French minister

    Boris Johnson and Jean-Marc Ayrault

    Kicking off the joint news conference in Paris, French foreign secretary Jean-Marc Ayrault refers to the recent attacks in France, including the killing of a priest in a Normandy church on Tuesday.

    He says the UK and France are "together committed to this unyielding fight against Daesh terrorism". He says it is in difficult circumstances "that you know you can count on your friends", as he highlights the UK's support.