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Live Reporting

Paul Seddon and Katie Wright

All times stated are UK

  1. 'We do not want to see a coronation'

    BBC News Channel

    Meanwhile Nusrat Ghani, who was already backing Mr Hunt, says he can take on Boris Johnson in the members' ballot, adding: “we do not want to see a coronation”.

    She says the foreign secretary can be a “unity candidate" as he “crosses the bridge within the Conservative Party".

  2. Hunt 'can be a real statesman'

    BBC News Channel

    Questioned about the prospect of electoral skulduggery in the final MPs' ballot, former Gove backer Anne Milton says simply that Tory MPs are "one of the most sophisticated electorates in the country".

    She says she will now be backing Jeremy Hunt, adding he has demonstrated in his time at the Foreign Office he "can be a real statesman".

  3. Stride: I don't think vote lending occurred

    BBC News Channel

    Mel Stride

    Commons leader Mel Stride, who had been backing Michael Gove, says the result of the final MPs' ballot was "so close" and he is “very disappointed”.

    Questioned about accusations that Boris Johnson may have lent votes to Jeremy Hunt to knock Mr Gove out of the final round, he says "at first glance" he doesn't think that happened.

    He says for Mr Johnson's camp to get the result between the two men down to just two votes is "conceivable" but "very unlikely".

    "If they had been doing that, I think you would have seen a much bigger discrepancy between Jeremy Hunt and Michael Gove", he says.

  4. Watch: Michael Gove narrowly voted out

    Video content

    Video caption: Tory leadership: Johnson or Hunt to be new party leader
  5. How the final two contenders compare

    Boris Johnson may have been Mayor of London for eight years, but he has far less experience of working in government than Jeremy Hunt.

    You can compare the careers of the two men and explore how their views differ on Brexit, the economy, health and education using our interactive guide.

    Chart showing how much government experience the two candidates have
  6. 'Kiss of death' for Gove

    Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson tweets...

    View more on twitter

    Ruth Davidson switched her support to Michael Gove after Sajid Javid was eliminated from the race.

  7. Johnson 'wants to bring people together'

    BBC News Channel

    Robert Buckland, who is backing frontrunner Boris Johnson, says he thinks a match-up with Jeremy Hunt can be just as "lively" as a contest against Michael Gove would have been.

    He says Mr Johnson will be "working very hard with his team to persuade members of his case" during the final run-off between party members.

    The former foreign secretary, he adds, is a "unifier" who "wants to bring people together".

  8. Odds on Boris Johnson jump ...

    Chart showing the odds of Boris Johnson becoming the next PM
  9. Members very open on leadership question - Burt

    BBC News Channel

    Jeremy Hunt backer Alistair Burt says he is "very pleased" with the result.

    Asked about his man's prospects in the run-off with Boris Johnson among the full Conservative Party, he says members have a tradition of "being very open" when it comes to choosing a leader.

    He adds that the "conventional view" in the 2005 leadership contest was that David Davis would win - but of course, it was David Cameron who triumphed in the end.

  10. A tight race for second right to the end

    Michael Gove went ahead of Jeremy Hunt in the fourth ballot, but his lead didn't last long.

    Both were a long way behind Boris Johnson.

    Chart showing how the final three candidates fared in the five ballots