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Live Reporting

BBC Scotland News

All times stated are UK

  1. Some of the key moments of FMQs

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    The final FMQs draws to a close and MSPs can see the finishing line in the race to the summer recess.

    They have a late decision time tonight, but then it is time for the holiday.

    There is a statement on cervical screening at 2pm, then MSPs will debate the contentious Covid rules bill.

    That's all from us on the live page. Please take care and stay safe.

  2. FM asked about BBC Scotland studio transfer plans

    Green MSP Ross Greer asks the first minister about reports two BBC Scotland studios will be transferred to the control of the corporation in England.

    Ms Sturgeon says she has made representations to the corporation in the past about the need to "build up production capacity in Scotland".

    She adds that she shares Mr Greer's concerns and that she cannot see anything in the proposals that would be beneficial to the production sector in Scotland.

  3. FM sends message of solidarity to fire bomb Tory councillor

    Councillor Graeme Campbell and his wife Fiona following a similar attack in 2019
    Image caption: Councillor Graeme Campbell and his wife Fiona following a similar attack in 2019

    Conservative MSP Russell Findlay asks for reaction after a councillor's home and cars were set on fire in South Lanarkshire following multiple similar attacks.

    Police are treating the early hours blaze at Graeme Campbell's property in Strathaven at the weekend, as suspicious.

    It is the third time Mr Campbell has been targeted since 2019, when he said he was "lucky to be alive".

    The Conservatives have blamed organised crime for the "disgusting" attack.

    The first minister replies that she unreservedly condemns the attacks and sends a message of solidarity from herself and the SNP.

  4. FM asked about outcome of children's home abuse compensation case

    children's home

    Labour MSP Daniel Johnson asks the first minister about news that survivors of sexual and physical abuse from the Lagarie children's home in Rhu, Argyll, have lost a test case for compensation.

    Ms Sturgeon says the government musty take time to consider the court's decision but agrees with Mr Johnson that there should be a "moral threshold" in such cases.

  5. What action is being taken in relation to Covid jab 'do not attends'?


    SNP Emma Harper MSP asks the Scottish government what action is being taken in relation to high numbers of "do not attends" at vaccination clinics.

    The first minister thanked everyone involved in the programme and says uptake rates are "exceptionally high".

    But she adds they are lower among younger age groups and experts are looking at ways to address this, such as more drop-in centres and the use of text messages.

  6. BACKGROUND: Scottish nursing union 'in dispute' over pay


    A nursing union has lodged a formal trade dispute with the Scottish government for the first time in a row over pay.

    The Royal College of Nursing in Scotland said staff were exhausted, with worrying numbers considering leaving the profession.

    In May, the Scottish government confirmed an NHS pay deal that will see most workers receive a 4% rise.

    The RCN union said the single-year deal was imposed despite its rejection.

    It said the deal fell "far short" of the RCN's call for a significant pay rise that applies equally across all bands.

  7. NHS remobilisation is a 'top priority' for government, says FM


    Labour MSP Jackie Baillie asks how the Scottish government is supporting the NHS, in light of reports of wards being full and an increase in patients with serious and complex conditions.

    In reply, the first minister says remobilisation and supporting the NHS is one of the government's top priorities.

    Ms Baillie welcomes the forthcoming NHS Recovery Plan but expresses concern that in some areas there are simply not enough hospital beds.

    Ms Sturgeon says the NHS is getting much closer to pre-pandemic capacity.

  8. 'Nature is under threat' says Conservative MSP


    Tory MSP Rachael Hamilton asks what action the Scottish government is taking to curb the decline of iconic woodland bird species in Scotland.

    The first minister replies the twin challenges of climate change and a decline in biodiversity must be addressed and are a central priority for the government.

    Ms Hamilton says: "Nature is under threat."

    She points out the government has missed a number of biodiversity targets, but the first minister says there is an increase in some species.

    Ms Sturgeon agrees it is an important issue, linked to climate change, and she highlights the threats to the Capercaillie.

  9. FM questioned about post office closure plans

    post office sign getty

    Neil Gray MSP asks the first minister what discussions the Scottish government has had with the UK government regarding the proposed closure of 31 post offices across the country.

    Ms Sturgeon says the "unfortunate decision" is a commercial one made by operator CJ Lang & Son

    She adds that ministers were not involved in the decision making process as postal services are a reserved matter.

    But she adds her government is seeking assurances about continuity of services and the remaining stores in the company's portfolio.

  10. Amazon 'level of waste is obscene' says Green co-leader

    Amazon centre

    Lorna Slater says ITN revealed the Amazon warehouse in Dunfermline is destroying millions of new unsold items, including TVs, face coverings and laptops.

    The Scottish Greens co-leader says: "This level of waste is obscene."

    Ms Slater says the company causes such desperation in its workers that some of them are reduced to sleeping in tents.

    She says the Scottish government has given £4.7m to Amazon in the last year alone, through Scottish Enterprise and Ms Slater asks when this will stop.

    The first minister points out the government attaches fair work and conditions to all support from any enterprise agencies.

    Ms Sturgeon says companies have a duty to protect the environment and she questions the acceptability of what Amazon is doing.

    Lorna Slater

    Ms Slater calls for the enshrining of the circular economy in legislation.

    The first minister replies her government's commitment to legislating for a circular economy is well known.

    Companies should cut down on waste, adds Ms Sturgeon and she points out Amazon should not destroy things that could be given to people in need.

  11. Sarwar challenges Sturgeon over mixed Covid messages


    Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar asks the first minister about the Scottish government's Covid communication strategy in recent weeks.

    He highlights the decision to allow 3,000 football supporters to attend the Euro 2020 fan zone in Glasgow but not to permit parents to attend nursery graduations.

    Anas Sarwar

    Mr Sarwar also describes the first minister's public argument with the mayor of Greater Manchester, over the Covid travel ban, as "avoidable".

    He adds: "If we are to navigate the coming months communications have to be clear and consistent."

    The Scottish Labour leader adds one in five people don't know what is expected of them, according to the government's own polling.

    The first minister says it is really important that the country moves forward "cautiously".

    She adds the latest case numbers, which will be published at 14:00, will show just short of 3,000 cases on Wednesday and a positivity rate of 7.7%.

    Ms Sturgeon says decisions, such as allowing pubs to stay open if a Euro 2020 match goes to penalties, is designed to "avert a risk", such as people gathering outside bars.

  12. BACKGROUND: Greater Manchester-Scotland travel ban row deepens

    Andy Burnham and Nicola Sturgeon have clashed over the travel ban
    Image caption: Andy Burnham and Nicola Sturgeon have clashed over the travel ban

    The row between Greater Manchester's mayor and the Scottish first minister over a travel ban has deepened after a meeting reportedly inflamed divisions.

    The ban on non-essential journeys between Scotland and Manchester and Salford came into force on Monday.

    The Daily Telegraph reported that Andy Burnham was accused of being "incoherent and absurd" during talks with Nicola Sturgeon on Wednesday.

    Mr Burnham has previously expressed anger over the ban.

    The mayor and the first minister spoke in a phone call in an attempt to resolve matters.

  13. Analysis

    Analysis: Can we stop worrying about high case numbers?

    As vaccination reduces serious illness no new restrictions are being introduced
    Image caption: As vaccination reduces serious illness no new restrictions are being introduced

    Vaccination is offering Scotland the "route out" of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to Nicola Sturgeon. The first minister told MSPs this week that the link between new cases and the serious health harms caused by the virus hasn't gone away - but it is weakening significantly.

    What do the latest figures show us about this link? And does this mean we no longer have to worry about case numbers?

    Find out here.

  14. Analysis

    BACKGROUND: Covid gender gap widens as cases surge in Scotland

    Scotland fans travelled to London for last week's match against England while thousands more watched at home
    Image caption: Scotland fans travelled to London for last week's match against England while thousands more watched at home

    A Covid cases gender gap has opened up as the total number testing positive in the past 24 hours hit nearly 3,000.

    On Wednesday five new deaths were reported, and 2,969 cases recorded - the highest daily number since the start of mass testing.

    In recent days about two thirds of cases in the 15 to 44 age range have been male.

    Behaviour expert Prof Stephen Reicher has suggested that men meeting up to watch Euro 2020 is behind the rise.

    National Clinical Director Prof Jason Leitch said he believed indoor socialising was the main factor, though not necessarily linked to football.

    Public health expert Prof Linda Bauld said it was too early to link the spike in male cases to one particular activity - but she said the trend was "striking" and should be investigated further.

  15. A question on the SQA and schools


    Douglas Ross gets to his feet and begins FMQs by asking about schools and the scrapping of the SQA.

    The Scottish Conservative leader gets proceedings under way by asking what changed the mind of the first minister, who had previously given the exams body her full confidence.

    Nicola Sturgeon reiterates a "big thank you" to teachers, support staff, parents and young people, receiving a round of applause.

    She says she does have confidence in the work the SQA is doing but Ms Sturgeon tells the chamber the time has come for reform.


    Mr Ross accuses Nicola Sturgeon of having a "shambolic record" on schools and of keeping the recent OECD report in her drawer.

    The first minister hits back saying a further report from the OECD will appear in August and insists she is not shying away from its recommendations so far.

    Mr Ross calls for the first minister to say if she is for or against exams.

    Ms Sturgeon insists there is a debate about what the correct balance between exams and continual assessment to be had.

  16. BACKGROUND: Scrapping the SQA 'won't happen overnight'

    Exams in Scottish schools have been cancelled for the past two years because of Covid
    Image caption: Exams in Scottish schools have been cancelled for the past two years because of Covid

    It could be some time before Scotland's exams body is scrapped, the country's education secretary has said.

    Shirley-Anne Somerville said replacing the SQA with a new agency that will deal with the curriculum as well as exams will not happen overnight.

    She said the SQA would continue to deliver exams as it had done previous in years until the new organisation has been set up.

    The Scottish government announced on Monday that it was replacing the SQA.

    It came after a long-awaited independent report into the country's Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) was finally published.

    The report by the OECD backed the curriculum as a whole, but said there was too much focus on exams in the later years of schooling.

  17. FMQs is next...

    Nicola Sturgeon
    Image caption: Nicola Sturgeon faces questions for the final time before the summer recess.

    Welcome to our live page coverage of first minister's questions on 24 June 2021.

    You can watch or listen to FMQs here with us, with analysis, news and all the reaction to the weekly political joust.

    Nicola Sturgeon can expect to be quizzed on the number of Covid-19 cases, which is rising fast in Scotland.

    The first minister can also expect to be questioned about RCN Scotland's formal trade dispute with the Scottish government for the first time in a row over pay.

    The RCN said the Scottish government has relied on the good will of nursing staff for too long
    Image caption: The RCN said the Scottish government has relied on the good will of nursing staff for too long