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Live Reporting

BBC Scotland News

All times stated are UK

  1. Ukraine statements and FMQs: Key points

    • Nicola Sturgeon condemned "Russia's full-scale invasion" as "unprovoked imperialist aggression"
    • The first minister called for severe consequences for Putin, tougher sanctions and a clear-up of dirty Russian money in London
    • 'We must all ensure that freedom and democracy prevail," says FM expressing solidarity with Ukraine
    • All the opposition party leaders agreed with this and united to condemn the invasion
    • Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross backed the UK government's actions so far and also expressed solidarity with Ukraine
    • Anas Sarwar, the Scottish Labour leader, said "peace and democracy must prevail"
    • Patrick Harvie called for money-laundering networks used by Russian elites to be tackled. The Scottish Greens co-convener argued that no form of sanction should be off the table
    • Scottish Lib Dem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton told the chamber "we must be ready to help"
    • MSPs will be able to express their solidarity with the Ukraine in a Holyrood debate this afternoon
    • The NHS dominated FMQs today with Douglas Ross saying staff were "stretched to the limit" as highlighted by Scotland's public spending watchdog
    • Audit Scotland's report on the NHS painted a "devastating picture", Anas Sarwar claimed
    • Nicola Sturgeon defended her government's NHS recovery plan and cited record investment and work being under way for a post-pandemic service
    • Alex Cole-Hamilton accused the SNP government of failing to train enough workers for the burgeoning renewables sector
  2. Scottish Lib Dems criticise SNP's renewables policy

    wind turbine

    Alex Cole-Hamilton turns to energy security and says the new owners of the BiFab site, InfraStrata, can't find Scottish workers.

    The Scottish Lib Dem leader says the SNP has failed to train enough skilled workers here in Scotland.

    He asks: "Doesn't this show that the SNP's renewables policy is all wind and no jobs?"

    The first minister replies that she does not agree with that but accepts the Scottish government must do better on securing renewables jobs in future.

  3. We don't 'underestimate the challenges' - Sturgeon

    "This government has been solely responsible for Scotland's NHS for 15 years," Mr Sarwar says. "The result: staff burnt out and wanting to leave and patients failed and languishing on waiting lists."

    He asks how they can be the ones to save the NHS.

    Ms Sturgeon says she does not "underestimate the challenges" but points out Scotland has higher staffing levels for nurses and midwives than England.

    She says the people of Scotland have put their trust in this government and "we will get on with that job."

  4. Health service 'in crisis' after Covid

    covid ward

    Scotland's NHS was in crisis before Covid hit - making it harder to recover, Mr Sarwar says.

    Ms Sturgeon retorts that he "wants to pretend that Covid hasn't had a very significant impact" and "these challenges are unique to Scotland's National Health Service".

    She points out there have been demographic changes and 10 years of Tory austerity.

    While she lists ways in which the SNP government has boosted the NHS, Mr Sarwar lists other cuts made before the pandemic.

  5. Sarwar: NHS report paints 'devastating picture'

    Anas Sarwar says the Audit Scotland report published today paints a "devastating picture" of the state of the NHS.

    He asks the first minster how, after 15 years of the SNP in power, it has come to this.

    MS Sturgeon points out that there has been almost two years of a pandemic and says the report has a lot of positive things to say about the NHS in Scotland.

    She says it also recognises the steps being taken to put the NHS on the "path to sustainability".

    It poses "serious and challenging questions" for us, she adds.

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  6. FM says Scotland's A&Es best in UK


    Mr Ross says Holyrood heard evidence this morning of 500 excess deaths because the government did not act early enough.

    The Scottish Conservative leader says if the Audit Scotland report is not a wake-up call surely these deaths must be.

    Ms Sturgeon says she takes the Audit Scotland report very seriously and adds that it recognises the work the Scottish government is doing.

    She points out that the NHS has been under an emergency footing and the consequences have been severe.

    The first minister says Scotland's A&E units have been the best in the UK for six years.

  7. NHS staff 'stretched to the limit' - Ross

    The Scottish Conservative leader reiterates that there is not enough detail in the recovery plan.

    Mr Ross says NHS staff are "now stretched to the limit".

    He asks how the plan to cut down waiting times will work with "staff at breaking point or worse preparing to leave our NHS".

    "We have record numbers of staff working in our National Health Service," argues Ms Sturgeon.

    She says the recruitment challenges are recognised by her government.

    The first minister highlights concerns about Brexit on NHS recruitment.

  8. 'We are investing record sums' in NHS - Sturgeon

    Mr Ross says Audit Scotland has given "quite a damning verdict on the government's plan to rebuild Scotland's NHS".

    The Scottish Conservative says the public spending watchdog has highlighted a lack of detail in the plan.

    The first minister hits back, arguing that the government must ensure the implementation of the recovery plan and that it is fit for the challenges ahead.

    The Audit Scotland report is very fair and challenging, she continues and she insists it acknowledges the work that is under way.

    The first minister says: "We are investing record sums in the National Health Service. Around I think just over £100 per head more than equivalent investment south of the border."

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  9. Ross asks if FM has full confidence in NHS recovery plan


    Douglas Ross gets FMQs under way by asking if the first minister has full confidence in her government's NHS recovery plan.

    "Yes I do," replies Ms Sturgeon, "but the government will work hard to ensure that the recovery plan continues to develop and evolve and be fit for the purpose of getting the NHS through the remainder of Covid."

    The first minister welcomes the Audit Scotland report into NHS staff recruitment published this morning.

  10. We must be ready to help - Cole-Hamilton

    Alex Cole-Hamilton, leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats, says the Russian regime has threatened the very fabric of peace and security in our word.

    "We must be ready to help," he says, adding that Scotland must be prepared to offer safe harbour to those fleeing their homes.

    All parties speak with one voice, he says, to "utterly condemn the expansionist aggression of the Russian regime and stand in total solidarity with the people of Ukraine".

  11. Tackle money-laundering networks - Harvie

    Patrick Harvie offers solidarity with the people of Ukraine in this moment of crisis on behalf of the Scottish Greens.

    He says the escalation of the invasion, which started in 2014, is a grievous breach of international law "which must be responded to in the most comprehensive of terms".

    No form of sanction should be off the table, he says.

    The money-laundering networks used by Russian elites must be tackled in the UK, he adds.

  12. Peace and democracy must prevail - Sarwar

    Man beside bombed car

    Anas Sarwar says today is a "dark day" and "my party and I stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine".

    "Vladimir Putin's attack on the Ukraine is unprovoked and unjustifiable," continues the Scottish Labour leader.

    "Peace and democracy must prevail."

    He says we must support the Ukrainian people and the UK must reinforce our Nato allies and the "hardest possible sanctions" must be put in place.

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  13. World is a far darker place - Ross

    Leader of the Scottish Conservatives Douglas Ross says the world we woke up to today is a "far darker and more unstable place".

    He says Putin's only intention was war, no matter what the cost, but the costs will be high with lives already lost.

    Mr Ross says: "I support the UK government and allies around the world in their condemnation of this Russian war and their united efforts to avert further bloodshed.

    "We can only hope and pray they will succeed, and we stand with the people of Ukraine."

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  14. 'Putin is an autocrat'

    The first minister stresses the importance of equipping Ukraine and providing humanitarian assistance.

    Ms Sturgeon continues: "We must all stand ready to offer refuge and sanctuary where necessary for those who may be displaced."

    "This is a critical juncture in history - perhaps the most dangerous and potentially defining moment since the Second World War."

    She says: "Putin is an autocrat."

    And she adds: "This is a clash between oppression and autocracy on one hand and freedom and democracy on the other."

    Quote Message: We must all ensure that freedom and democracy prevail." from Nicola Sturgeon First Minister
    Nicola SturgeonFirst Minister
  15. Sturgeon calls for severe consequences and sanctions

    The first minister says Putin must now face the most severe of consequences through sanctions and other measures.

    Nicola Sturgeon calls for the immediate clear-up of dirty money in London.

    She says: "The people of Ukraine must feel and not just hear our support and our solidarity."

  16. FM condemns 'unprovoked imperialist aggression'

    Bombing in Chuguiv

    Nicola Sturgeon begins by saying parliament will discuss the situation in Ukraine later this afternoon.

    The first minister expresses "solidarity" with Ukraine in this first sitting of Holyrood since "Russia's full-scale invasion".

    "I wanted to condemn in the strongest possible terms the unprovoked imperialist aggression of Vladimir Putin," she says.

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  17. FMQs about to start...

    Nicola Sturgeon

    This week's session of First Minister's Questions is about to begin.

  18. Sturgeon calls for severe consequences for Russian assault

    This shell landed in a street in Kyiv
    Image caption: This shell landed in a street in Kyiv hours after Russia launched its attack

    The first minister has called for the "severest consequences" for Russia's military assault on Ukraine.

    Nicola Sturgeon described the Russian air strikes and border breaches as "appalling and horrific".

    Mr Putin said he did not plan to occupy Ukraine, but Ukraine has branded it a "full-scale invasion".

    UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been chairing Cobra emergency talks and is expected to unveil more sanctions against Russia to MPs later.

    Ukraine has declared a month-long state of emergency, as Russia said it had carried out air strikes on Ukraine's military infrastructure and border guard units - but said it had not targeted populated areas.

  19. Welcome

    Good morning and welcome to our live coverage of First Minister's Questions from Holyrood, on Thursday 24 February 2022.

    Nicola Sturgeon will receive her weekly grilling from opposition leaders and other MSPs from about 12:00.

    We will bring you all the latest developments and analysis here, and you can watch the session by clicking on one of the tabs above.