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Live Reporting

BBC Scotland News

All times stated are UK

  1. FMQs: The headlines

    • The first minister insisted she did not support toll roads, as she was accused of a "triple whammy of anti-driver taxes"
    • Douglas Ross pressed her on proposals to charge drivers entering Edinburgh and Glasgow
    • Nicola Sturgeon said what people were facing was a "Tory-created cost-of-living crisis" and added that her government was empowering councils
    • Anas Sarwar claimed the Scottish government had wasted more than £3bn in public spending
    • The Scottish Labour leader was accused of making "ridiculous claims" and the FM argued they were "a lot of nonsense"
    • Capping the sale of offshore seabeds threw away "a fortune", said Scottish Lib Dem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton
    • The FM argued the sale price reflected the complexity of offshore projects

    That's all from the live page today. Join us again next time.

  2. Plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda 'abhorrent'

    A Border Force vessel brings a group of men into Dover

    SNP MSP Kaukab Stewart asks Ms Sturgeon for her reaction to UK government plans to send some asylum seekers to Rwanda.

    Under the scheme - announced last week - people deemed to have entered the UK unlawfully will be flown to the African country, where they will be processed, and if successful, given long-term accommodation there.

    Ms Sturgeon describes the plan as "abhorrent", and says it's an abdication of responsibility to asylum seekers and refugees.

    She adds that the UK government is ignoring the welfare of vulnerable people and that the policy is rightly being condemned by some.

    The policy has been criticised by charities and opposition parties.

  3. Channel 4 privitisation 'cultural vandalism'


    SNP MSP Jenni Minto asks the FM about the privatisation of Channel 4.

    Ms Sturgeon says the Scottish government "strongly opposes" the move by the UK government, which she compares to "cultural vandalism" and an attempt to undermine public service broadcasting.

    She hopes to "see off these misguided Conservative proposals".

    She says her government will seek assurances that there's no negative impact on Scotland's creative sector.

  4. Scotland's seabed sold 'on the cheap' says Scottish Lib Dem leader

    The Scottish government sold the "lion's share of Scotland's seabed", claims Alex Cole-Hamilton.

    The Scottish Lib-Dem leader adds: "The Scottish government has sold these national assets on the cheap. They have thrown away a fortune."

    The first minister argues the process used by the Crown Estate was transparent and warns against comparisons with sales down south.

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  5. Call for 'protest-free buffer zones' for those seeking an abortion

    anti-abortion protest

    The issue of the anti-abortion lobby and calls for protest-free buffer zones is raised by Labour MSP Monica Lennon.

    The first minister replies: "We are committed to ensuring that all women are able to access timely abortions without judgement."

    She condemns any attempts to intimidate women seeking an abortion.

    The right to protest must be protected, but not near hospitals, rather at Holyrood.

  6. Labour claims are 'ridiculous' - FM

    The first minister responds that Mr Sarwar’s claims about wasted public money are “ridiculous”, adding that the government has had 15 years of unqualified accounts, which means that auditors have not raised any concerns about the government's books.

    She points to two examples that she wants to address:

    On the Rangers case, she says prosecutions are a matter for Scotland’s prosecutors, who are independent of the Scottish government.

    She highlights that the £146m in relation to the two hospitals relates to planned costs which were unavoidable.

    “There’s a lot of nonsense in the question that Anas Sarwar has just asked there,” she adds.

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  7. Labour claims £3bn wasted due to 'SNP incompetence'


    Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar says more than £3.2bn of public money has been lost due to what he calls “SNP incompetence”.

    He lists a number of areas he considers to be wasted public money:

    He says it’s the equivalent of a £1,200 bill for every household in Scotland. He asks why the public should pay the cost of “SNP failure”?

  8. Ross warns against 'triple whammy of anti-driver taxes'

    Mr Ross argues Nicola Sturgeon "wants to tax people off the road".

    He goes on to say Scotland's economy will be forced into the slow lane and again calls for toll roads to be ruled out, warning of a "triple whammy of anti-driver taxes".

    Ms Sturgeon replies she does not support toll roads but she does support the empowerment of local councils.

    The first minister accepts people need their cars and cites investment in roads and transport projects.

    She argues the "Tory created cost-of-living crisis" needs to be solved by Westminster.

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  9. 'Empowering local councils' - Sturgeon

    The first minister highlights tough decisions being necessary due to climate change.

    Ms Sturgeon argues her government is about "empowering local councils".

    She says that is "serious government, as opposed to ridiculous opposition".

  10. Will the FM consider introduction of toll roads?

    traffic jam

    Mr Ross says the first minister's pre-prepared answers on what he might have said in the past borders on the ridiculous.

    This is met with laughter from the SNP backbenches.

    The Scottish Conservative leader says the FSB has urged councils to avoid additional costs for business.

    He points out people visiting Glasgow could also face charges. Mr Ross adds that toll roads are being considered by the SNP-led council

  11. Ross and Sturgeon clash over 'commuter tax' for Edinburgh

    Mr Ross argues the first minister wants to tax road users more.

    The Scottish Conservative leader says the SNP government brought in the "working place parking tax" and now wants a "commuter tax on people all over the country.

    He says his party is completely opposed to the proposal to introduce a charge for driving into Edinburgh and he says it will make driving in our cities completely unaffordable.

    Ms Sturgeon hits back, saying Mr Ross has to "avoid rendering himself ridiculous by having contradictory and inconsistent positions".

    The first minister says the Tories in 2017 pledged to empower local authorities and adds that this position was echoed in the last Holyrood election.

  12. Does the FM back charging drivers for entering cities?

    congestion charging sign
    Image caption: London introduced a congestion charge in 2003

    Douglas Ross asks the first minister if she backs plans to charge non-resident motorists for entering Glasgow or Edinburgh.

    The first minister replies that she thinks it's right that support is given to users of our roads in a variety of different ways.

    Ms Sturgeon says local authorities will consult on a range of issues.

  13. FM wishes Queen a happy birthday

    The first minister also wishes the Queen a "very happy 96th birthday".

    Ms Sturgeon adds that her service continues to be "an inspiration to many".

  14. Background: Queen celebrates 96th birthday in Sandringham

    A photograph for the Queen's birthday reflects her lifelong interest in horses
    Image caption: A photograph for the Queen's birthday reflects her lifelong interest in horses

    The Queen is celebrating her 96th birthday on Thursday in Sandringham.

    Britain's longest-reigning monarch travelled by helicopter to her Norfolk estate, where she will be joined by family and friends.

    She is expected to stay in a cottage on the estate particularly liked by her late husband, Prince Philip.

    A photograph has been released to mark the birthday, showing the Queen with two ponies and reflecting her lifelong interest in horses.

  15. FMQs gets under way with birthday wishes for the Queen

    Douglas Ross gets to his feet and begins by wishing the Queen a happy birthday.

    The Scottish Conservative leader says: "We send our best wishes to the monarch who has been a constant in our country for many decades."

  16. Welcome

    Nicola Sturgeln

    Good morning and welcome to our live coverage of First Minister's Questions from Holyrood, on Thursday 21 April 2022.

    Nicola Sturgeon will receive her weekly grilling from opposition leaders from about 12:00.

    We will bring you all the latest developments and analysis here, and you can watch the session by clicking on one of the tabs above.