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Live Reporting

BBC Scotland News

All times stated are UK

  1. First minister's questions - the key points

    • Nicola Sturgeon said she wanted to meet and apologise to the young man who was subjected to inappropriate behaviour by the SNP MP Patrick Grady
    • The man at the centre of this spoke to the BBC and said he would like to see Nicola Sturgeon say more on the matter - after claiming the SNP had learned nothing
    • Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross questioned why Mr Grady still had the first minister's backing
    • Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar questioned why reports into bullying allegations by Scottish government ministers were kept secret
    • The FM said future reports could be made public - but this was mocked by Mr Sarwar, who accused the SNP of a culture of secrecy and cover-up in relation to that and the Grady case
    • A "delayed discharge crisis" will not be solved by SNP proposals for a "ministerial takeover of social care", insisted Scottish Lib Dem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton
    • Nicola Sturgeon outlined work under way to make improvements in the social care sector
    • The FM was later asked about today's rail strike and she replied "the UK public are paying the price of the Tory anti-union rhetoric". She called on the UK government to "start doing their job"

    That's all from the live page team. Have a lovely afternoon.

  2. Women's health champion to be appointed this summer


    Labour MSP Carol Mochan asks when the Scottish government will appoint a women's health champion, following the appointment of a women's health ambassador in England.

    "We will be appointing a women's health champion or ambassador this summer," replies Ms Sturgeon.

    This is part of the Scottish women's health plan, explains the first minister.

    The plan includes recommendations for better endometriosis diagnosis and treatment, and specialist menopause services.

    It also calls for a drive to create greater awareness of heart disease symptoms and risks.

  3. Bullying in the NHS has risen by 50% - reports

    Conservative MSP Tess White asks the first minister what assessments the Scottish government has made of reports that bullying in the NHS has risen by 50% in five years.

    Ms Sturgeon reveals there will be a new nation leadership development programme for health, social work and social care sectors.

    Referring to John Sturrock QC's review into the culture of the NHS, she says actions have been taken based on recommendations and they will continue to monitor the review.

  4. Will autumn boosters be brought forward?

    Labour MSP Jackie Baillie says it is more than six months since people had their third vaccination, and asks, with rising covid cases, if the first minister will bring forward the autumn booster to this summer.

    She also asks what urgent action will be taken to combat long covid.

    Ms Sturgeon says the Scottish government will continue to follow guidance on vaccinations.

    On long covid, she reveals her government is investing in health boards, which will allow it to introduce care co-ordinator roles They will be the point of contact for people with long covid, and will allow people to have more direct access to treatment.

  5. Covid cases increase by more than 30% in Scotland

    People wearing face masks


    The number of Covid cases in Scotland has increased by more than 30% in the last week, according to new figures.

    The latest Public Health Scotland data reveals there were 15,541 reported virus cases in the week ending 19 June.

    It also found the number of new Covid hospital admissions increased by 15.2% to 696 in the week ending 14 June.

    Last week, one leading academic warned two new Omicron variants - BA.4 and BA.5 - were behind the increase in cases.

    Read more here

  6. FM urges everyone who is eligible to get their spring booster jab


    SNP MSP Christine Grahame asks what measures are being put in place to ensure everyone eligible for the spring booster vaccine gets it.

    Ms Sturgeon replies that, as of 20 June, 91% of those aged 75 and over and 86% of elderly care home residents have received a fourth dose of Covid vaccine.

    The first minister urges all those who are eligible for the spring booster to come forward and get it.

    Nicola Sturgeon says we are seeing a rise in cases at the moment and she reiterates that the virus can cause severe illness.

  7. Network Rail strike: Second 24-hour walkout after talks collapse

    An RMT picket line was set up on Tuesday outside of the Network Rail Maintenance Delivery Unit and West of Scotland Signal Centre in Cowlairs, Glasgow
    Image caption: An RMT picket line was set up on Tuesday outside of the Network Rail Maintenance Delivery Unit and West of Scotland Signal Centre in Cowlairs, Glasgow


    A second 24-hour rail strike is under way across Scotland after the latest talks between the RMT union and railway employers collapsed.

    It means a third day of disruption for passengers after the first strike on Tuesday was followed by a reduction in services on Wednesday.

    The latest bid to end the strike broke down with the RMT accusing the UK government of "wrecking" negotiations.

    Operator ScotRail is urging people to check their journeys in advance.

    Thursday marks the half way point in what has been a miserable week for rail users.

    The staggered reopening of signal boxes will also lead to a reduction in scheduled services on Friday and Sunday, either side of the third 24-hour walkout on Saturday.

    Read more here

  8. UK government should 'respect public sector workers'

    Queen Street Station

    On the subject of the rail strike, Fiona Hyslop MSP raises the current dispute with the RMT union, and asks if if the first minister shares her view that the UK government's proposals to legislate to allow use of agency workers during a legally balloted strike "is dangerous Tory ideology, and is designed to inflame rather than resolve the dispute."

    Ms Sturgeon says the "UK public are paying the price of the Tory anti-union rhetoric".

    She says "we should respect workers across our economy, we should respect public sector workers, and we should seek to negotiate fair resolutions to disputes" as she calls for the UK government "to start doing their job".

  9. Scottish Lib Dem leader calls for social care crisis to be addressed

    elderly patient in hospital

    Alex Cole-Hamilton says top doctors are saying that delayed discharges are the worst they have ever seen.

    The Scottish Lib Dem leader says there are currently 1,800 patients well enough to leave hospital but who can't as there is no care package for them.

    The government solution to this is a ministerial takeover of social care which his party is against, he adds.

    Mr Cole-Hamilton reminds the chamber it was Scottish government ministers who discharged Covid positive patients into care homes.

    He asks why the first minister won't meet the crisis now, with proper pay, fair conditions and reform.

    Nicola Sturgeon insists it is right to move towards a National Care Service, which is about improving the quality of these service and the pay and conditions of those working in the care sector.

    The first minister points out the wages are being increased already in the adult social care sector, a 12.9% increase has already happened.

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  10. 'I refused to brush things under the carpet' - FM

    Anas Sarwar asks the first minister if she agreed with Ian Blackford, Angus Robertson and her chief whip Patrick Grady, as he claims that they believe "it is more important to protect the SNP than it is to protect the victim.”

    Ms Sturgeon replies: “Nobody has said ‘that it is more important to protect the SNP than it is to protect the victim’. I think I’ve made clear my views that support for victims of sexual harassment must come first.”

    Mr Sarwar says "this incident happened six years ago and only now is there talk of change" and claims there is "a culture of secrecy and cover-up with this government".

    Ms Sturgeon says "in terms of there being a pattern, I don't think that is in any way substantiated."

    She reminds the parliament that "I refused to brush things under the carpet when allegations were made about somebody who was closer to me in politics than anyone else had been", referring to the investigation into former first minister Alex Salmond.

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  11. Changes to ministerial code and complaints procedures

    Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar, citing that investigations into UK government Home Secretary Priti Patel and the SNP's Patrick Grady were made public, asks: "Why won't the first minister make public the outcome of investigations by the Scottish government into the conduct of Scottish ministers?"

    Nicola Sturgeon says she is "grateful to Anas Sarwar for raising this as it gives me the opportunity to update what I said when he last raised this issue with me."

    Ms Sturgeon says the Scottish government is limited in what it can reveal due to data protection and confidentiality, and says "it is not a position I am comfortable with" and reveals she sought advice on the issue.

    She says the advice she has received is that there will be changes to the ministerial code and to the complaints procedures in future.

  12. Have any lessons been learned by the FM?, asks Ross

    Ms Sturgeon points out that all parties have faced this, saying there are two Westminster by-elections happening today because of behaviour on the part of Conservative MPs.

    Mr Ross says he knows the first minister wants to make this about other parties, but "the fact that we have two by-elections today is because Conservative MPs were suspended and resigned from parliament".

    "Patrick Grady has been suspended for 48 hours," he adds.

    Mr Ross says the victim has rejected Ian Blackford's apology and feels the SNP at Westminster have not learned anything.

    The first minister says the Scottish government has a new complaints process and the SNP will reflect on this situation.

    She reiterates that an independent process recommended the sanction it thought appropriate.

  13. 'I think that is utterly unacceptable'

    The first minister has already written to the victim saying sorry and says she's offered to say sorry in person.

    Ms Sturgeon adds that the recording of the Westminster SNP group showed more of what was wrong, suggesting more concern was given to the perpetrator than the victim.

    "I think that is utterly unacceptable."

    She says it is important that there is transparency around an issue like this.

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  14. Two-day suspension for Grady an 'insult', says Ross

    Mr Ross says Patrick Grady served just two days suspension which was "an insult".

    The Scottish Tory leader says the victim said the SNP were punishing any victim of this sort of behaviour.

    He asks what the first minister's reaction on hearing the leaked recording when Ian Blackford encouraged all the SNP MPs to support the guilty party instead of the victim.

  15. 'All of us have lessons to learn' - FM

    Ms Sturgeon says Patrick Grady's behaviour was investigated by an independent process and the findings were published.

    The first minister points out a sanction was imposed as recommended by that process.

    She says the victim clearly feels he was not supported, indeed he feels the process exacerbated the trauma that was experienced.

    Ms Sturgeon stresses the SNP must, and will, reflect on this issue.

    "I take these issues very seriously...but these issues are not unique to the SNP", she says.

    "All of us have lessons to learn."

  16. Ian Blackford apology dismissed as a cop-out by Patrick Grady victim

    Ian Blackford expressed his "regret" over the case in a written statement earlier this week
    Image caption: Ian Blackford expressed his "regret" over the case in a written statement earlier this week


    An apology by the SNP's Westminster leader Ian Blackford over his party's handling of a sexual harassment complaint against an MP has been dismissed as a cop-out by the victim.

    Patrick Grady was suspended from parliament for two days after he was found to have made a sexual advance to a teenage SNP staffer.

    Mr Blackford said he regretted that the victim did not feel supported.

    But the staffer said the SNP had not learned anything from the case.

  17. FM 'very sorry' over sexual harassment case

    Patrick Grady

    Douglas Ross asks why Patrick Grady, who is guilty of sexual harassment, still has the first minister's backing.

    The first minister insists she has already been clear about these issues and stresses that the MP's behaviour was wrong.

    She says she's "very sorry" Mr Grady's victim was subjected to an unwanted sexual advance.

  18. FM agrees that every victim of sexual harassment deserves support

    "Yes, I do," replies the first minister, "I believe that very strongly."

    Nicola Sturgeon says if any sexual harassment victim has not been supported any organisation should look seriously at that.

    The first minister adds that is how she will act going forward with any issues for the SNP.

  19. FMQs begins...

    Douglas Ross gets to this feet and begins FMQs.

    The Scottish Conservative leader asks if the first minister agrees that every victim of sexual harassment should be supported.

  20. Welcome

    Nicola Sturgeon faces questions from opposition party leaders and backbench MSPs from 12pm
    Image caption: Nicola Sturgeon faces questions from opposition party leaders and backbench MSPs from 12pm

    Welcome to our live coverage of First Minister's Questions on Thursday 23 June 2022.

    Nicola Sturgeon will face questions from opposition party leaders and backbench MSPs,

    We'll bring you reporting and analysis of the major stories that come up during the weekly political jousting.

    Just click on the tabs above to watch or listen with us.