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Live Reporting

BBC Scotland News

All times stated are UK

  1. Central heating replacement scheme 'useless' for old houses

    home insulation

    Scottish Labour's Rhoda Grant asks if the first minister will urgently amend the government's central heating assistance scheme.

    Within this scheme, she points out that heat pumps are fitted to replace central heating, which she says are "useless in draughty old houses" - and asks whether the government will look at insulating homes as part of this work.

    Ms Sturgeon says she will ask the relevant minister to look at the issue and to write to Ms Grant as soon as possible.

  2. 'This isn't a new life, this is a new limbo'

    alex cole-hamilton

    Mr Cole-Hamilton says boasting about numbers will be "cold comfort" to those refugees living out of suitcases since February.

    The Scottish Lib Dem leader adds: "This isn't a new life, this is a new limbo."

    He calls for free bus travel to be extended to all refugees.

    Ms Sturgeon points out if there wasn't temporary accommodation, Scotland wouldn't be able offer refuge.

    She insists: "Scotland is more than playing our part."

    Efforts are under way to provide more permanent accommodation, adds the first minister.

  3. FM confirms £50m for sustainable accommodation for Ukrainian refugees

    ukrainian refugees

    Scottish Lib Dem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton asks when the Scottish government will announce the outcome of its review into the pausing of the super sponsor scheme for Ukrainian refugees coming to Scotland.

    "More than18,000 displaced Ukrainians are currently being accommodated in Scotland," replies Ms Sturgeon.

    "This is almost 20% of the total number in the UK," she adds.

    That number includes almost 15,000 in the super sponsor scheme, which is being reviewed, the first minister says.

    She confirms a dedicated capital fund of up to £50m for sustainable accommodation has been set up.

  4. Background: Shortfall in student nursing intake


    The number of student nurses recruited in Scotland this year is 700 short of the government's target.

    University admissions service Ucas figures show that out of 4,837 nurse and midwife places funded for 2022-23, just 4,130 students have been accepted.

    The Royal College of Nursing Scotland (RCN) said nursing had to be made a more attractive career.

  5. Call for action to address shortfall in student nurses


    Labour MSP Carol Mochan says UCAS figures "shockingly highlight a shortfall of almost a thousand" in nursing and midwifery students.

    Ms Mochan calls for a clear plan to tackle this and she asks when the Scottish government will outline detailed action.

    The first minister says the target intake for students is 4,837 and so far there are 3,850 student nurses starting courses and 280 midwifery students.

    She argues it is not a shortfall, saying there are 700 places left to be filled, not 1,000.

    This is a clearing process that has not yet been completed, she explains, adding the situation is worse in Wales.

  6. NHS worse under Conservatives and Labour - Sturgeon

    covid nurses

    Responding to Mr Sarwar, the FM says that the pandemic has presented "real and significant challenges".

    She says her government will continue to take action "despite one hand tied behind our back" to tackle issues like child poverty - referring to reserved matters decided by the UK government.

    She thanks NHS staff in Scotland, saying the health service was performing better than its counterparts in England and Wales - where she points out the Conservatives and Labour are in power.

  7. People 'sick of same old excuses'

    Mr Sarwar highlights there were 38,255 people waiting more than 12 hours for treatment since the government's NHS recovery plan was published.

    He says people are "sick of the same old excuses".

    Pointing to figures published today by the National Records of Scotland (NRS), the Scottish Labour leader says life expectancy in Scotland has dropped again.

    He challenges the first minister: "How long will people have to wait for you and your health secretary to do your jobs?"

  8. Signs the NHS is recovering from Covid - FM

    nhs staff

    Responding to Mr Sarwar, Ms Sturgeon accepts that the level of people waiting more than 12 hours at A&E has increased - but reiterates that 95% of people are seen within the target.

    She says other factors have impacted the NHS, including the changing demographic of the country.

    There are positives to take from recent figures, she says, such as the increase in inpatients being seen. The FM says this demonstrates that the NHS is recovering from Covid, although adds that investment and redesigning care need to continue.

  9. Sarwar: Patients getting health complications due to NHS waits

    anas sarwar

    Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar also begins with a question about NHS waiting times. He quotes figures published today showing there are 750,000 people on a waiting list.

    He says the first minister should “stop pretending” the rates are all down to the pandemic.

    Quoting Dr Lailah Peel from the British Medical Association, Mr Sarwar says patients are now presenting at A&E due to complications caused by waiting for treatment and scans.

  10. Ross asks when will people get the A&E treatment they need?

    The Scottish Tory leader highlights another case, this time of a grandmother in A&E facing "chaos".

    Mr Ross asks: "When will people in Scotland get access to emergency treatment that they deserve when they need it?"

    We expect to see immediate improvement in A&E waiting times, replies the first minister.

    Ms Sturgeon says recruitment has been made harder because of Brexit.

    "We do expect to see performance improve immediately," the FM adds.

  11. 'These issues are not unique to Scotland' - Sturgeon

    nhs staff

    The first minister says the 84-hour wait is "clearly an unacceptable situation" and pledges to look into the circumstances around it.

    "The current performance is not acceptable," Ms Sturgeon tells the chamber and reiterates what action her government is taking to make improvements.

    She again points out these issues are not unique to Scotland and again points out worse performance levels in England.

  12. Ross highlights case with 84-hour waiting time

    douglas ross

    A&E departments in Scotland are performing better than in the rest of the UK, insists the first minister.

    But Douglas Ross says, for people waiting hours and days for A&E treatment, the first minister's words are hollow.

    The Scottish Conservative leader says the deputy chair of BMA Scotland has said our A&E departments are no longer safe and the government is turning a blind eye to this.

    Mr Ross adds one patient at a hospital in Ayrshire had to wait 84 hours for treatment.

    "Is that really what anyone in Scotland should go through in 2022?"

  13. A&E performance 'not good enough' admits Sturgeon

    nicola sturgeon

    Nicola Sturgeon replies: "The most recent performance in Accident and Emergency is not good enough."

    The first minister says the need for improvement is clear, with the two-year Covid pandemic adding to pressure on the NHS.

    There has been a 263% increase in the number of A&E consultants since this government took office, she says, and the government will invest more in overseas recruitment, explains Ms Sturgeon.

    She also highlights the £50m Urgent and Unscheduled Care Collaborative offering alternatives to hospital.

  14. Scotland's A&E waiting times worst on record


    Performance on waiting times targets at Scotland's hospital A&E units has hit a new low.

    Figures for the week ending 11 September showed just 63.5% of patients were dealt with within four hours.

    Health Secretary Humza Yousaf said earlier this week the figures were "not acceptable" and he was determined to improve performance.

    Scottish Tory health spokesman Dr Sandesh Gulhane has said the figures showed the "crisis in A&E is not merely continuing, but deepening".

    Read more here.

  15. FMQs begins with query on A&E waiting times


    Douglas Ross gets proceedings under way by asking about record waiting times in Accident & Emergency departments.

    Mr Ross says the pressures on the NHS will only get worse over the winter.

    He asks what action the government is taking now to reduce the time people are waiting for emergency treatment.

  16. Welcome

    Welcome to our live coverage of first minister's questions.

    We'll bring you reports and analysis of the weekly joust between Nicola Sturgeon and the opposition party leaders.

    There will be questions on Ukrainian refugees, flooding in Pakistan, the transition to net zero heating and single parenting and the cost of living.