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Live Reporting

Edited by Paul Hastie

All times stated are UK

  1. How will opposition party leaders view their first tussle with Yousaf?

    Glenn Campbell

    BBC Scotland Political Editor

    Douglas Ross asks a question at FMQs
    Image caption: Scottish Conservatives leader Douglas Ross will ask the first question of Humza Yousaf

    The opposition will be prepared for Humza Yousaf because they have been attacking him at FMQs over his record on health for weeks. So they will have the facts and figures on that at their fingertips.

    But they may well want to challenge him in other areas of policy he may be less familiar with, because his concentration in recent years has been on health.

    They may want to pick over some of the divisions in the SNP, or question him on some of the appointments he has made.

    I think this government is bigger than any previous government. When Alex Salmond took office with the SNP for the first time, there were 16 ministers. That number has crept up over the years – now there are 28.

    While the Scottish government has taken on some extra responsibilities for taxation and welfare, that is a very widely expanded team.

    Anas Sarwar at FMQs
    Image caption: Scottish Labour's Anas Sarwar has regularly asked about the NHS crisis - will he keep the same strategy?

    They may also want to pick up on the fact Humza Yousaf has appointed a minister for independence – something that is not an area of responsibility for the devolved government, but something they support and campaign for.

    Will this minister be a campaigner paid for at taxpayers’ expense, or will he be preparing the case for independence - should at some point the Scottish government manage to persuade the UK government there should be another referendum?

  2. Here's a reminder of Humza Yousaf's cabinet...

    Humza Yousaf's cabinet
    Image caption: Humza Yousaf's cabinet

    There's just over ten minutes to go before FMQs, but it's already been a hugely busy week for Humza Yousaf.

    He named his cabinet yesteday and the headline was Shona Robison replacing Kate Forbes as Scotland's finance secretary.

    Robison has been given the finance brief as well as serving as deputy first minister.

    She is a close friend of former first minister Nicola Sturgeon.

    Ms Robison was responsible for introducing the controversial gender reforms in her previous role as social justice secretary.

    The new team of ministers and junior ministers will be officially agreed by parliament this afternoon.

  3. How do you prepare for FMQs? 'Just read up on everything'

    Humza Yousaf has had a busy week, what with becoming SNP leader on Monday, being voted in at Parliament on Tuesday and officially sworn in yesterday, as well as finalising his Cabinet.

    Today he faces a grilling at his first FMQs. He is likely to have spent the morning getting briefed by advisers on what to expect from opposition leaders.

    “It is nerve-wracking,” says ex-SNP MP Stephen Gethins, a former adviser to Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon. ”The FM will have absolutely no idea what he’s going to get asked about - it could be anything.”

    Gethins says opposition leaders will want to catch out the new leader” and ”look for ways to try to trip him up”, so officials will be “doing their homework” to ensure he is sufficiently forewarned.

    Nicola Sturgeon at her final FMQs, with her binder of briefings in front of her

    “You will see Humza Yousaf turn up with a folder with lots of briefings,” Gethins told the BBC’s Good Morning Scotland programme.

    “With both Alex and Nicola, briefings started on a Wednesday afternoon, and it goes all the way up to 11:55 on a Thursday lunchtime, so they are prepared.

    “Nicola used to read an awful lot and might come back with some questions. Alex used to bounce ideas around. Everyone has their own way of doing it, but you can’t beat hard work and just having to read up on every single subject.”

  4. Here's a reminder of what FMQs is all about

    Not long to go now until Humza Yousaf's inaugural FMQs.

    During the first of his weekly 45-minute question and answer sessions, Yousaf will be quizzed by MSPs including Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross and Scottish Labour's Anas Sarwar.

    Ross will ask four questions, before Mr Sarwar puts three to the first minister.

    Other MSPs will have the opportunity to ask one question and a follow-up of Yousaf.

    FMQs takes place every Thursday at midday but a two-week parliamentary recess means Yousaf will not face another until 20 April.

  5. Yousaf to make First Minister's Questions debut

    Humza Yousaf

    Humza Yousaf will face questions from his political rivals in his debut at First Minister's Questions. It gives MSPs their first chance to grill him in his new job.

    The session in the Holyrood chamber follows three days of ceremony and procedure since his election as SNP leader on Monday.

    He won the backing of the majority of MSPs to become first minister on Tuesday before being sworn in at the Court of Session on Wednesday and appointing his new cabinet.

    Yousaf's new team of ministers and junior ministers will be officially agreed by parliament later this afternoon.

  6. Welcome

    Humza Yousaf sat next to Nicola Sturgeon at her final FMQs last week
    Image caption: Humza Yousaf sat next to Nicola Sturgeon at her final FMQs last week

    Good morning and welcome to our live page coverage of Humza Yousaf's first FMQs.

    We'll bring you updates and analysis throughout his inaugural first minister's questions.

    If you want to watch the historic proceedings, stay with us here and just hit the play icon at the top of the page.