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Live Reporting

All times stated are UK

  1. What's been in the headlines this week?

    swinney and nicola sturgeon
    Image caption: Swinney and Sturgeon have been at the UK Covid inquiry

    We don't know the topics that the opposition party leaders will raise with the first minister, but we do know the stories that have been in the headlines this week.

    At the weekend Humza Yousaf told a special SNP conference that greater support for Scottish independence must be built ahead of the next general election.

    He said if the party won a majority of seats north of the border he would press the UK government for powers to hold a second referendum.

    On Monday, MSPs said sweeping changes were needed to Scotland's ferry network but Calmac should keep the west coast contract for another decade.

    Holyrood's Transport Committee pointed to problems such as an ageing fleet and a lack of resilience in the network.

    Elsewhere, campaigners have said Scotland should increase its minimum unit price for alcohol from 50p to 65p.

    It came as a final evaluation of the policy found that it reduced alcohol-related deaths and hospital admissions, and lowered alcohol consumption.

    Former SNP deputy leader Stewart Hosie has confirmed he will stand down at the next general election - the fifth SNP MP to announce in recent weeks they will not seek re-election.

    And this morning former first minister Nicola Sturgeon and her deputy John Swinney have been giving evidence to the UK Covid inquiry.

    They face questions on how prepared the Scottish government was for the pandemic and how it handled it.

  2. Welcome to First Minister's Questions

    Good morning and welcome to our coverage of First Minister's Questions.

    We'll bring you the action live from Holyrood, with updates and analysis.

    FMQs gets under way at noon. You can watch live from the chamber by clicking the play icon at the top of this page.