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Live Reporting

Edited by Paul McLaren

All times stated are UK

  1. What's been making the headlines this week?

    Image caption: The budget will be delivered on Tuesday 19 December 2023.

    This will be the last FMQs before next week's crucial budget statement from Finance Secretary Shona Robison.

    There are reports today that Humza Yousaf intends to introduce a new tax band for higher earners.

    Meanwhile a quarter of councils fear they will not be able to balance their budgets next year, results of a survey suggest.

    And a special meeting of the Scottish Cabinet was called as ministers discussed a budget black hole of at least £1bn.

    Education dominated last week's FMQs, following the publication of the Pisa report which showed performance in Scotland's' high schools had slipped.

    This week teachers' assessments showed more than one in four Scottish state primary pupils are still not achieving the literacy levels expected of them.

  2. Welcome

    Humza Yousaf and Shona Robison on their way to the chamber
    Image caption: Shona Robison will stand in for Humza Yousaf in this week's FMQs

    Good morning and welcome to our live coverage of First Minister's Questions.

    Deputy First Minister Shona Robison will face questions from Douglas Ross and Anas Sarwar this week, as Humza Yousaf is ill.

    We'll bring you the action live from Holyrood, with reports and analysis throughout.

    As ever, FMQs gets under way at noon. You can watch live from the chamber by clicking the play icon at the top of this page.