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Live Reporting

Edited by Emma Owen, Nathan Williams and Alys Davies

All times stated are UK

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  1. Five people taken to hospital after being injured in riot

    The Welsh Ambulance service has confirmed it took five people to hospital after the riots.

    It said at approximately 22:30 it was called by police to provide "medical support for an ongoing disturbance".

    "We sent four Hazardous Area Rescue Teams, five emergency ambulances and two rapid response vehicles to provide support," it says.

  2. What has happened in Ely?

    If you're just joining us, or need a recap, here are the latest lines as the community in Ely recovers from a traumatic night.

    • Two teenage boys died in a crash on Snowden Road, Ely, at about 18:00 BST on Monday
    • This was followed by a riot which saw 150 people gathered at the scene, with several cars burned out
    • Police officers on the scene took the brunt of the violence, as rioters aimed fireworks at them. At least 12 officers were injured
    • One senior officer says a member of the public was also attacked because some rioters thought they were an undercover police officer
    Ely council workers
    • This morning, council workers have been cleaning up debris from the streets while First Minister Mark Drakeford says his thoughts are with all those affected
    • South Wales Police says last night's scenes are not what it expects to see in a close knit community like Ely, adding that the focus now is to "fully investigate the circumstances of the collision and the appalling scenes that followed"
  3. Rioters targeted vehicles with 'fiery missiles'

    Residents in Ely say rioters were targeting their cars with what they described as "fiery missiles".

    This car on Howell Road in Ely is the last one which hasn't yet been removed.

    A burnt out car in Ely
  4. 'I watched as my car went up in flames'

    Police say a number of vehicles were set alight last night.

    Jane Palmer is the owner of one of the vehicles.

    Her Ford Focus was torched by rioters on Highmead Road. She says she and her family watched from their window as it went up in flames.

    She said: "I'm disabled so now I'm trapped without my car. Why are they doing this? It's just silly now."

    Jane's family tried to put out the flames by using water from their garden hose.

    Car on fire
    Image caption: Jane's car was set alight by the rioters
  5. Witness says he heard threats to kill police officers

    Ahmad Abdullah

    Resident Ahmad Abdullah says he heard threats from rioters to "kill" police officers.

    The 34-year-old says he heard screaming at about 7.30pm and came out of his house to see "hundreds of youngsters chasing police officers up the road, throwing stones".

    "They damaged my taxi and my next door neighbour's car. They were throwing stones at my front door, bricks too.

    "It was like they were throwing missiles, like a rocket. I thought to myself 'it is the end of the world now'."

    He added that he heard someone say "they would not stop until they killed a police officer".

  6. Cardiff riot like an 'absolute warzone'

    Video content

    Video caption: Cardiff: Ely riot aftermath like warzone - BBC reporter

    BBC Wales correspondent Tomos Morgan described the scenes this morning in Ely as an "absolute warzone".

    "You can see the remnants of what seems to be a smoking bonfire," he says.

  7. 'Our thoughts are with the two boys who died'

    South Wales Police's Assistant Chief Constable Mark Travis says his thoughts are with the families of the two boys who died, as well as those affected by the riots.

    "These are scenes we do not expect to see in our communities, particularly in a close knit community such as Ely," he said.

    "Our focus now is to fully investigate the circumstances of the collision and the appalling scenes that followed."

  8. Welsh government will monitor situation - first minister

    First Minister Mark Drakeford has expressed his concern about the violence seen on the streets of Cardiff last night.

    The Labour politician wrote on Twitter: "Very concerned to see the upsetting reports from Ely overnight and my thoughts are with all those affected.

    "We continue to monitor the situation to gain a fuller understanding of the circumstances."

  9. Not the first time Ely has seen riots

    Last night's riots aren't the first time Ely has seen violence on its streets,

    In August 1991, the Cardiff suburb endured four days of chaos as people rioted because of an alleged dispute between two shopkeepers over the sale of bread.

    Speaking to Radio 5 Live, Canon Jan Gould, who has been the vicar in Ely for 17 years, says the community has worked "really hard" for many years to dispel the legacy of that violence.

    Robin, who lives in Barry, was a police officer who attended the riots in 1991.

    He believes the closure of police stations and lack of "policemen with helmets" out and about in the community have led to the unrest seen last night.

  10. Police completely failed to protect public, says resident

    Riot police in Cardiff

    More now from John Urquhart, who lives in Ely and was at the scene of the disruption last night.

    He tells Radio 5 Live he’s not surprised that things escalated.

    John believes the people who sparked the violence are “responsible for their own actions but the executive responsibilities were with the police".

    “They were charged with protecting the public and I'm sorry but they completely failed,” he says.

  11. Council leader issues plea for calm

    Cllr Huw Thomas says: "My thoughts and deepest sympathies this morning are with the families of the young people who died in the road collision yesterday.

    "This is a tragic event and they, and we, need to understand what happened and why.

    "The best way we can achieve this is by letting the investigation begin as soon as possible. Any further trouble will only delay that investigation.

    "I know the majority of people in Ely are deeply worried and concerned about the scenes last night."

    Quote Message: It's important we all come together, and work together now, to find out exactly what happened. I urge everyone to do all they can to calm the situation. from Huw Thomas Cardiff council leader
    Huw ThomasCardiff council leader
  12. Where is Ely?

    The Ely estate, just over three miles outside Cardiff city centre, sprang up between the World Wars and has a population of about 14,600 people.

    It has more children eligible for free school meals - 57.4% - than any other community in Wales and about 28% of children are estimated to be living in families on relatively low incomes.

    Ely normally sees about 150 crimes reported a month, with only three crimes recorded in the Snowden Road area last month and only one the month before that.

    A map showing the location of the crash and riot in Ely
  13. Council workers clean up debris

    After the riot, the clean up. Here are the latest pictures from the scene.

    Council worker picking litter
    Image caption: Council workers are now on the street attempting to clean up what they can
    Burnt out car upside down
    Image caption: Jane Palmer's Ford Focus was torched and now lies upside down in ruins
    White paint on the ground
    Image caption: The street is splattered with white paint thrown during the disturbance
    Council workers cleaning up
    Image caption: Council workers clear up around a car that was set alight
  14. WATCH: Rioters launch fireworks at police

    This video shows the scene during the stand-off in Ely last night.

    You can see a group gathering and walking towards a line of police in riot gear, before throwing missiles at them.

    Video content

    Video caption: Cardiff: Ely rioters throw fireworks at police
  15. Tensions have been simmering for some time - vicar

    The Vicar of Ely recalled hearing the sound of helicopters last night, but assumed it was a "normal night".

    Canon Jan Gould spoke to BBC Radio 5 Live's Nicky Campbell and said it's not uncommon for there to be police in the area keeping an eye on the youth.

    "It is so destructive, not just for them but the community. My heart bleeds for Ely."

    Canon Gould felt something has been "simmering" in Ely for some time but feels its important the facts are established.

    "Social media is such a dangerous thing," she says. "It doesn't take much for people to respond to something they see on social media as fact."

  16. Police 'lucky to not have more serious injuries'

    Police officers at the scene

    South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Alun Michael has been talking about the situation the police found themselves in.

    "People will be brought to account for the violence. Obviously it was very frightening for local people, and there were a lot of calls to the police expressing concern about what was going on," he told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

    "Officers were mobilised to the area and there was support from neighbouring forces."

  17. Mum urged rioters to stop to see son's body - resident

    Some more local reaction to bring you from what happened last night - this time from Emma, who lives half a mile from where the violence happened.

    "It's been a long night," she tells BBC Radio 5 Live's Nicky Campbell. "We had the helicopter circling for hours at night.

    "We could hear it. I got up early this morning to see everything all over the news and caught up with social media groups that I'm on - formal and not just gossip and I was horrified by what I was reading.

    "There was a message from the mother saying 'please stop I need to get to my son's body'. It is just horrific.

    "It is heart-breaking. Nobody wanted this, it seemed like an excuse to let off steam and start trouble, I don't think any of the residents were involved directly. I think it was youths.

    "The whole of Ely is in shock, frustrated. It is carnage there."

  18. Nursery closes following deaths

    Cylch Meithrin Trelai & Caerau says it has been forced to close this morning as it doesn't have enough staff to care for the children.

    "Following the devastating event that occurred this evening, resulting in two staff members taking bereavement leave to be with their families, we are unable to meet staff-to-child ratio and therefore have no other option than to close to Flying Start children," it said.

    "Our love and thoughts go out to both families who have suffered a tragic loss."

  19. The scene in Ely this morning

    Tomas Morgan in Ely

    Our reporter Tomos Morgan is in Ely this morning, and he spoke to BBC Breakfast - you can watch his report here.

    The road is littered with rubble and there are the remains of some fires still smoking. We'll bring you more from Tomos when we have it.

  20. What we know so far

    A burnt out and overturned car
    • Officers responded to a report of a "serious road traffic collision" on Snowden Road at around 6pm
    • "Large-scale disorder" broke out and police were in the area until the early hours of the morning
    • Specially-trained public order officers were sent in to help, including officers from neighbouring forces
    • A number of officers were injured
    • Cars were set alight and fireworks thrown at police
    • There were 100-150 people gathered at the scene